CLOSED: Free Seed For Newbies! 7/31/09. Come Join Us!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh no Moose Pond it was around Moose lagoons or lakes...see it here...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Close enough, I guess. You been pulling up bluberry bushes up there? MMMMMMmmmmm, I think that's a no-no. Ssshhh, I won't tell.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Not where you can see it is still an hour from property

WOW, Robin, You want to adopt me and I could go to moose lagoon.

WOW, Robin, You want to adopt me and I could go to moose lagoon. Those are really beautiful pictures. It must be an amazing sight at sunset.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning everyone. No digging here for a few days got heavy rain yesterday and it's misty raining this morning and looks like it's settled in for the day.
But here's a picture to brighten your day maybe.

Thumbnail by Mindy03
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mindy that is so nice it makes me think of The pictures I took in Flagstaff. The mountains the water the blueberries the trees and the wildflowers and the sun shining up on top of it all. I love it!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Thank you Robin that was nice of you to tell me it made you think of a place you know.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I must speak the truth.

Morning everyone

Arejay: having never been to Maine I was surprised to see the mountains. Beautiful place. Hopefully you're able to go often. Do you see bears when you pick berries? And can you hear Loons on the lake. Always wanted to hear Loons. (The birds not the ones on here of course lol)

Mindy: Is that the afghan you were working on? I couldn't tell the size by the pic.

In and Out today. Hope you have a good one.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes Sherri that's the afghan. I'll tell you the size it ended up when it gets out of the dryer and I measure it. I can tell you for now that it's just big enough to cover your lap and legs while sitting. The pattern is actually a full size one but I ran out of one color and since it was lapghan size stopped where it was needed again.

Edited to say size is about 40 inches square. Pattern size is 50 inches square.

This message was edited Aug 5, 2009 11:51 AM

Mindy, that is beautiful! I love those colors, you are so good.
Hi everyone.
Arejay, all jokes aside, those pictures of the mountains were so pretty, it really makes you want to go look. Just walk under the trees and row through the water in a boat to keep it quiet and just listen to all the sounds. Ahha- so peaceful and wonderful. It just looks wonderful.
I went out yesterday to look at the water lily blooms at the pond and just keep an eye out for other blooms and found a big snake planning his dinner of my fish and frogs, luckily, I ran him off. Would have killed him had I had my trusty shovel with me at the time. Too late, he got away, got to go get some moth balls to put out around there and hopefully it will keep the bad critters away. Waited all this time for my picotee double blue morning glory to bloom and man, did it bloom. We won't be showing off those pictures. DON'T go buy any seeds thinking you will get what the picture shows, it won't be those. And for those who already got them, you will be disappointed when you see them bloom, take my word for it.

Very Pretty!!!! Perfect size for covering your legs and feet. Hint of fall to come. Today I'm ready for it. I have an hour's watering in between work. :(

Hi Mekos

I almost bought those morning glory seeds too. Glad I didn't. That blue was pretty though and the blue Thunbergia battiscombei is the color that the morning glory was supposed to be minus the white piping. It's not really a vine more like a floppy shrub. The pictures show purple but mine is true blue. I guess the cameras have a hard time capturing the hue.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Thank you Mekos it was a fun pattern to work may do another one in different colors later.
Sherri sometimes it felt like fall here when I worked on it due to all the rain we've been getting so it felt good having it covering my lap while I worked on it once it got big enough.
Robin those pictures are pertty. I'm partial to dark shadowy creeks myself probably cause there's one bordering the property so mysterious walking along it. I grew up not far from a lake called Lake Cumberland which isn't that pretty though it does depend on your view of it.

Hey you guys, Hollyhock is the winner of the auction tonight. Congratulations to her!!! She won the gift coupon ($25.00-$35.00), and green bat flower seeds and orange jasmine seeds.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

new auction link:

Going to bed you guys, Long day. Night everyone.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

They say a cooper nail driven in a tree. Is like a piece on lead driven in us..LOL

The sq ft gardening sounds interesting.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning ladies!

havent been on much, been soooo sore from this past weekend and also trying to catch up on some writing, that Ive not had time for much else but the occasional pop-in.

hope everyone is doing well. not much rain here lately, rain clouds seem to pass over us every afternoon, teasing us for the most part, so have been having to hand water some things.. especially things I have transplanted from the area where the Goth garden will be. Thanks everyone who sent me black flower seeds. all are currently sprouting in their makeshift milk jug greenhouses and will be transplanted as soon as they are large enough and have been hardened off.

Morning Cue, and all everyone else out there. Got to feed the baby goats, they are calling me, I'm late this morning, getting them fed. Back later.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning Cue and Mekos. Mekos we must be on the same timeline LOL I was late feeding the chickens this morning and they let me know about it too especially after they had to wait until I hauled a sack of feed down there.

Aren't they so impatient, when you go about the same time every day, and one day you decide to sleep in, they ALL go crazy at the same time?!? My miniature pygmy goats were screaming bloody murder, you would have thought one was IN the slaughter house right then. (like any of my babies would EVER be there or know what it is) DUH, but you'd think it by the loud noise. They just get use to you coming everyday for some treat. They are just like spoiled little kids.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Well, if they're young, they are "kids". (:o)

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh mekos You have what I have been wanting forever ! A pygmy goat. I want one so bad and DH told me I could have one if I got out and built a pen for it and shelter. LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hiya everyone. We are at the lake so have wireless highspeed up here for the laptops. Mom has dial-up at her house so didn't attempt it there - lol. Hope you all are being good. Sounds like it.

Maine is beautiful. In the 70's today and breezy. I'm loving it!


OH flower, You will love them. I have 5 now here at my little farm, but a couple more at other farms on loan. I got a set of twins about 6 months old, weighs maybe 3or 4 lbs. Less than knee high-white and another almost 8 months old- salt and pepper colored, 5-6 lbs less than knee high and another one black with a white horse shoe across her nose that is 2 years old and 10-15 lbs just a tad over knee high. I have a tiny line. My twins are named mistletoe, and Holly and the male -salt and pepper colored is named thumper and the black one is jingles. I love my babies. The moma of all is white-black ears Hannah, and daddy is white with a little black down his back bone and head- Patrick. Nearby farm had 3 females and wanted to borrow him to breed theirs. I didn't want any more babies right now so he is being busy for them. Mine think they are snoopy- unless it's raining, they sleep on top of the dog house. If it is wet, they go in the dog house to sleep.

Hi Loca, you lucky girl. Hope you are having fun. Any tours yet?

Hey Cue, My mail just came and I got some seeds that says:
Fragrant black sage-salvia mellifera. HHhhmmmmm. Wonder how good those would look in the goth garden? hmmmm. Reckon they would fit in??? They might be too small for there. You might already have some too. Just wondering what to do with them. Hmmmm.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, mekos.

I got in yesterday morning and took a long nap, so this is my first day with it - lol. I need to take some pics. Lots of pretty gardens here!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I don't have a goth garden but I would like to have some of the black and dark blue to spread through out my yellow, light purple and red flowers.

Hey Cue, I wonder why they call it BLACK sage, it blooms blue, and blooms in the winter time. I don't think it would fit in that black goth garden. I think flower might like this one- but could add it to the surprise pack when the auction is over this week end. Then who ever wins would get it too. Hmmmm. NA!!! Got enough on there. I'll be thinking about these seeds.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, if there is one thing i have more than enough of, its Blue colored salvia...ROTFL... black and blue, victoria blue, blue spire... im set on the 'blue's'...LOL

i got them all when i went thru my 'Blue period".. I've since moved onto the 'Black and Depressing' period ROTFL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Black and blue so sad are you
when all the days are lined in hues
of sun without the rain you need
to grow your gardens with your weeds..
no really
Sherrie seeds arrived whooo hoo nice package....
Thanks Sherri

You're welcome. Glad they arrived. Nice poem.

It's a toss up between garden and weeds right now. It could go either way. LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well mine has been a toss up for awhile and I got tired of looking at the weeds so it is all flowers now LOL

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Robin how was your day. Did you get the seeds I sent you yet? Don't think they could be there that fast I just mailed them Tuesday but decided to check and see if the PO actually got a move on for once.
Hey Cue, when you get that Goth garden done in the back you need to do a white one in the front for your angelic side. Only rule is you have to match the white to the black. Then your neighbors can have fun trying to decide which part of the garden is the most like you in their opinion LOL
Mekos one of my hens was in such a hurry she pecked the bag of feed the whole time I was trying to get it open. I told her I didn't want a hole in the bag where whe was pecking but if she wanted to make one nearer the top I wouldn't mind a bit. She just clucked at me LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ive been pretty good about weeding on a daily basis, weather permitting. tho i do get the occasional weed disguised as one of my babies.. and only realize the imposter after its well established itself.

it like they got tired of me picking them out of random spots nt he beds, then got together, formed a new tactic, regrouped, and have now decided to go 'stealth'.. darn plants...ROTFL

which reminds me.. has any body seen the movie 'The Happening'? anybody else find that movie to be garbage as did I?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Mekos.. the idea did strike me to do a 'white' bed.. but more of a memorial garden than an 'angelic'

the round bed (that currently holds the lasagna bed) may become the memorial garden when the veggies are done. if i can manage to find a White brug, it will be the center piece.

BTW.. the Moon Bush should open its first bloom tonight... Thank you, whoever was responsible for that being in my newbie pack.. i love it!

This message was edited Aug 6, 2009 6:18 PM

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