CLOSED: Free Seed For Newbies! 7/31/09. Come Join Us!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, Art! Welcome to the funny farm. This half of the Kelly twins is getting ready to get out of Dodge for a week. I'll be flying out tonight and arriving in Maine first thing tomorrow morning for a visit with my family. I will definitely welcome the cooler weather. Forecast is 115 here all week.

I'll check in occasionally while I'm gone, pending computer access - lol. Better be good while I'm away . . . and keep an eye on cue for me!

Have a great Trip Loca! Sounds wonderful to get out of the heat for awhile. We'll be looking for pics when you get back. Cue's hard to keep an eye on. Can't promise. LOL

Have fun Loca, gonna miss you. Take lots of pictures and hurry back. We definately got an eye on Cue. (Wink-wink.)LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks friends! There should be lots to take pictures of this time of year!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Duchess.. to answer your questions... yes, you can plant all of those right now, tho you may want to wait until september to plant the tomatos as its still quite hot and humid for them. but come fall (our version of it) it will be less humid and your tom plants might fair a bit better.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Welcom Art please stick around and join the fun.
Loca hope you have a wonderful trip home and don't forget to collect seeds if there's any ripe.
As for Cue, well you know her she's always threatening us with Lucy if we try to make her behave. I'm just going to let her misbehave myself.

Hey guys I've got over half the bed dug up of weeds. Next go at it will see the irises dug up which will take care of half of what's left. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to leave the hibiscus or not.

Too hot to dig Mindy!!!

Can't you just cardboard the weeds since you'll use that as your base anyway. Or if you're like me. Weeds and flowers mixed. :)

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

It was quite cool out there this morning barely worked up a sweat. And yes I have weeds and flowers both in that bed. Never really got around to doing it properly. And I'm sure you are familiar with those dratted grass clumps that kill push mowers on contact? Have a few of those suckers to dig out. Then there's the blackberry brair that decided that was s good place to grow. Right next to the hibsicus no less. And then there's the vinca vine creeping it's way in there in spite of previous digging and pulling. Not to worry all that digging is getting my figure back in shape LOL. The cardboard won't lay flat with some of those weeds hence the digging.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... there is just something about a really good piece of Dark Chocolate to make everything right with the world :)

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Not in my world it doesn't LOL I would rather have a nice cold slice of lemon pie

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, i wasnt talking about your being that I spend most of my day in my own little one. That piece of Dk Choc. just made it nicer.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Looked to me like you were trying to make someone want that DK Chocolate LOL Must be nice to have your own little world mine keeps getting invaded by other people

Do I see a fight coming? I bet I could auction off tickets, wait until I do. This could be fun. But as arejay says, behave girls. Play nice. Loca just said she was off to vacation and look at the bickering already. Aren't you ashamed of your selves? Hehehe.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Bickering? what bickering Cue are you bickering with me without telling me. That's not fair I can't fight good unless I know I'm in one. I was sure I was just expressing my preference for lemon pie as opposed to your dark chcolate.

speaking of sweets, I baked a cake earlier of vanilla, Orange, rum, almond, banana, butter,coconut, and pinapple flavor, and filled it with a bag FULL of walnuts-and I think I will go get a piece. It should be cool enough now.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I still want lemon pie Mekos where is it?

I didn't make the lemon pie yet, maybe later this weekend. Just the cake. Man, it was good! Oh my goodness, lip smackin, finger lickin, GOOD.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

You are not allowed another piece of that cake Mekos. Have to watch your figure you know.

AREJAY!!!!! AREJAY???? Where you are?? Mindy is being mean to me. AREJAY!!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Gee I thought I was being helpful. Ok I apolize and will send you a surprise one of these days to make up for it. Will that make amends?

DARK CHOCOLATE! With pecans?

I'll take a piece of that cake Mekos. Is that a Hummingbird cake?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I wasnt bickering Mindy.. were you??? ROTFL.. i was just voicing my humble opinion on the awesomeness of my Dk. chocolate.. WOOT! nuttin wrong with lemon pie.. just isnt the center of my universe like chocolate is...LOL.

however.. key lime sounds good right about now... i got the sugar craving in a bad way!

No Seray, just one of my concocktions I put together, because I love orange, pinapple and rum , almond ,coconut and banana, and vanilla flavors and had a bag of walnuts in the freezer so i filled it full and put them all over the top of it too and baked. No icing today, but when I do ice it, I bake in a sheet pan, punch lots of holes in top of cake when done, soak it with pinapple juice and cover with cream cheese icing. Then cover the top with crushed pineapple.BUT just wanted it plain this time. Sure is good.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

See Mekos we aren't bickering Cue just confirmed it. Ok you can eat the whole cake if you want to I don't mind since I'm not a cake person. By the way do you make your lemon pie from scratch?
Cue I got burnt out on chocolate before I turned 6 thanks to doting grandparents who brought me penny bags of candy everytime they came to visit from OH. The only thing chocolate I get a craving for is brownies

Look at all this innocence, now. That is how to play nice girls.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

one word for you , Mekos... 'LUCY'... mwahahahahaha

Sure, I scratch all that lemon out of the can and smack it on the pie crust. ROTFL- Of course, not. ROTFL - you thought I was a chef???

ROBIN!!!!! AREJAY!!!!! Help lil o me.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Well in that case you can share the pie with someone else cause I do my lemon filling from scratch YUMMY but I do cheat on the crust using a cake mix, egg and butter for it.
I think Robin's taking an early night in or something

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

who is bickering?????
Here a distraction some pictures...
This is where I go to pick blueberries

Thumbnail by arejay59

Beautiful picture,where is this place? Is it close to where you live? NOT moose lake is it?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That is Moose Pond Mekos this is Flagstaff lake it is 3 hours north of is one after dark
this one is for you Cue

Thumbnail by arejay59

It's Moose Lagoon and I think that's where Loca went. Beautiful pics Arejay.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well guess it working

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well thats close to Caribou I guess when you live in GA

That's right! Moose Lodge GA Route 1

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Now we know where Robin was putting up all those blueberries she picked.
No bickering here Robin me and Cue are being good as gold tonight

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm off of here for the night. Best Friend is ringing the phone so gotta go talk to her.
Beautiful pictures Robin.

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