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Keaau, HI

Doesn't Texas have a lot of bats? What was the garnish?

Vanilla makes everything taste better!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Cockatoo feathers sent from Australia (thanks breeze!)

You could say we have a lot of bats...! This is the nightly exodus in my neighborhood..I think you might have seen it already.

Keaau, HI

No wonder Hawaiian bats are rare. Looks like there are more bats in one colony in Texas, than in the whole State of Hawai'i!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

i'l try the vanilla, though i doubt it will take the bitterish nutty taste away. but its worth a try!
you know, i am not very fond of reptiles, they only type i like are turtles and tortoises. lizards and iguanas remind me too much of snakes!
sorry, coudn't open the link, our internet is too slow. but we also have A LOT of bats here, our neighbour's house across the street have about 2000 bats in their roof, and i am not joking!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I believe you, my brother and I use to wait at the eve of our house to watch the bats come out.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

i know about a church team who once rented a house close by for a week, it has A LOT of bats in its roof. and its ceiling isn't cement, can't remember what it was. anyway, the one morning they were eating breakfast, and the one lady, was chatting, and then looked back at her plate, and thought: "i didn't put peper on my eggs, did I?" it was powder from above, you can guess what it was!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

sounds like it fits in with the menus listed on the thread here!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oohhhhhhh gag!!!!!!!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

thankfully she realized what it was and didn't eat it. but yeah, gross!!
but it does fit in nicely with bat stew garnish, don't you think?
i heard that it makes very good garden manure, though i stick to cow or pig manure.

Keaau, HI

Sounds kinda like finding half a worm in your apple!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hey RJ, thanks a bunch for the tip on vanilla! i tried it, and it tastes SO MUCH better! not the same as fresh milk, but its edible! i am enjoying my cornflakes everymorning now.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Right on Westraad! We learn these little tips to make life better! It is never the same as fresh milk, but much more tolerable!

I'm getting anxious now, in Liberia and the west coast of Africa they are in the very stormy wet season..such thunderstorms and lightning like I've never seen. I'm anxious, because these are where the Hurricanes are born, then the steam across the Atlantic and pound the nation Islands, and east U.S. coast. We had a huge Hurricane hit us last September. It took me months to dig out of that one.

I meant to ask, are you originally from Africa, or S. Africa..I forgot.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

hope you don't get too bad hurricanes, those can destroy your garden. I am a South African, my heritage is Dutch.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Amongst other things!
Okay, Dutch. Do you speak Flemish? Sorry about spelling!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

We speak Afrikaans at home, very, very similar to Flemish. its basically the same. Afrikaans is also very close to Dutch. if a Dutch person speaks slowly, i can understand what he says.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, sounds like the English in Liberia. My brother and I picked up the English slang very fast, and could talk to one another with out the parents understanding a word!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Lol, i do that with my sister in Portuguese, but my dad can understand. but my mom, usually doesn't have a clue.

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