CLOSED: Time for LazLo's Fall edition of "Mystery Mix 2009", but ...

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

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If you want to request a packet of my Mystery Mix for Fall 2009, goto the following (new) thread:
~ Ł
First, a question for brief discussion.  Are the "Mystery Mix" packets worth it, folks?  I really don't know because nobody gets back to me with info about what grew and what punked out, or what was cool to discover and what's just not interesting.  This enquiring mind wants to know . . .

So, as I begin my seed hunting for the second half of the year, should I save the lagniappe that is beyond my own needs for another "Mystery Mix" or just retire the idea?  

PLMK - - here or in DMail.  Thanks for your consideration of this.

A T B T Y !       ~       ŁazŁo    
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If you want to request a packet of my Mystery Mix for Fall 2009, goto the following (new) thread:
~ Ł

This message was edited Sep 21, 2009 10:55 PM

Thumbnail by LazLo
(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

Speaking for myself, I have not received any of these, but have received many of your other seeds....and have always been delighted with the outcome. The thing I particularly like about your collections, is that they are normally seeds I would not have access to. So, if you have a Mystery Mix, I am definitely interested. And I applaud your generousity! Thank you!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Same as jax - never received your Mystery Mix, but would sure be interested in it. I'm curious what others who have received them in the past think. Hopefully they'll chime in!

The seeds I did get from you are great :^)


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I would love to have a mystery mix.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Im interested too... Just let me know..

Hi LazLo,

Being new this is my first intro to your Mystery mix. It sounds interesting to me as well. Thanks for your kindness.


WOW, I'm new here as well. Tell us newbies all about what the mix is and how we can get it. Hi again, Lazlo. That was a beautiful Tiger and i'm still wondering if it's yours or a visit from you to him. He is georgeous! I want to know more. (Curious minds?????) What kind of seeds are in the mix?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I too would be interested in a 'mystery mix' being mysteriously mixed myself! How does one go about receiving one?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Lazlo I haven't received your Mystery Mix either but I got some mystery seeds in my newbie packet and it was fun to find out what came up. So I would be interested too and am waiting to hear all about your offer.


Chesapeake, VA

OK, it looks like I'm the expert on Lazlo Mystery Mix's WORTH it, folks! Being the obscessive-compulsive that I am, I tried to "sort" the seeds and grow them in milk cartons by type.

One looks like it is a big beautiful sunflower. I've never had a big one before - I just grew a few dwarfs. It fits in the garden nicely, it turns out. It's blooming now.

It looks like I have two types of hibiscus.

I think one seed turned out to be a Texas sage/salvia. It looks like a fall bloomer, so it hasn't bloomed yet. I've seen pictures of this type before, and it looks just like the pictures, and hopefully it will have blue flowers to come in the fall.

I think some was lupine...

Some are still in their milk cartons and about 10 inches high. My hand was operated on, so I was limited this year with only one good hand. Things got behind. Way behind.

But, I always wanted to get back to Lazlo and tell him how much I've enjoyed the Mystery Mix.

So...I just did.

Acton, TN(Zone 7a)

I order mixes all the time but they usually have a purpose such as "cut flower mix", "beneficial insect mix" or mixes of type "summer squash mix", "lettuce mix", "sweet bell pepper mix" etc. The flowers and herbs I plant along the borders of my vegetable garden. Would love to try a "Lazlo" mix.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you, Mel.  The lupine seeds are the whirled-famous Texas Bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis) - the blue ones, not the maroon . . . The hibiscus are hardy varieties - - red Texas Star Hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus), Sweet Hibiscus (Abelmoschus manihot), or Yellow Hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei).

and of course, there are always seeds for the Pride Of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) and Yellow Elder (Tecoma stans 'GoldStar') . . .

I'm happy to know that you have enjoyed some adventure during your recovery with the Mystery Mix seeds. That's pretty cool to know and I thank you for sharing it with me. I will hum all the while I dig up weeds this morning. ;--)

A T B T Y !       ~       Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I've never had an opportunity to try your Mystery Mix either and would love to.
Thank you!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i havent had your mystery mix either but would love to try it.

Well, I just found out about this mystery mix, so if I ever get my hands on some, I'd sure let you know how it does.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello I would like to try your mystery mix : }

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)


I was a lucky benefactor of your generosity and an envelope of "mystery mix". I WS my packet and had a milkjug with a nice variation of sprouts pop up. I planted them out and unfortunately some of them died but I had some nice marigold looking flowers bloom, and a morning glory, and a couple of other plants that are still a "mystery" to me (being the amature gardener I am). I am sure they are perennials with rather wide leaves that come from the ground and center of the plant. They aren't blooming yet but they are really healthy looking and I am sure they will. I am eagerly waiting. I would be in line for another packet! I am going to have a new bed to fill next year due to tree removel and remodeling.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Lazlo, I put your mystery mix in a special area.. somehow I acquired a voodoo lilly.. did you have those growing?

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


I would be very happy to receive your Mystery Mix. This is my first time in trying a mix, except in trades, so I'm sure I'll enjoy the contents, What are the requirements to receive a mix? Do you want postage, seeds, etc?

Thanks so much and let me know.

Carol S.

p.s. I have been in some of the group trades you have participated in. I received several of your packs and was quite pleased. You are very generous and thoughtful.

Milan, OH

Lazlo I would love to receive your Mystery Mix.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

So far everything I have planted from Lazlo has germinated and grown, I highly reccommend any seed from him..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

He is the "Johnny Appleseed" of the flower world! :o)

(Zone 7a)

Lazlo, it's not easy to find seeds of unusual morning glory species, and the ones you sent me of Ipomoea carnea sub fistulosa germinated right away and I now have them in pots to day dream over while I wait for blooms. Your trades are wonderful and fun, so I linked this thread to your feedback page - heehee - y'all won't be sorry if you trade with him


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Since my so called permanent marker labels on my seed starting efforts faded, this seed starting season has indeed been a mystery mix! Thanks to the info on the list, I have since bought paint pens, which smudge easily, but don't fade (yet). I also use pencil, just in case.

I am not sure how the mystery mix works, but I am game.

Chesapeake, VA

One of the plants that sprouted from last year's Mystery Mix is an Amsonia, I think...

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)


Please do not stop the Mystery Seeds I really look forward to recieving
some can you put me on the list.

Thanks Cindy

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

lazlo, I'd love to try your mix. I've grown some things this year that were a real surprise! so I'd like to set a place in the garden for newcomers. Please let me know how to acquire a wee packet

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Lazlo I would love to try your Mystery Mix also. It sounds like it would be fun and interesting to grow.


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

Don, I got your package of Bush morning Glory,Redflower False Yucca, Sweet hibiscus and tickseed orange. Thank you so much. I would love to be included in your mystery seed collection. How much do I need to send to you. With of course a self addressed envelope. I hate to say it but I have never planted ANY seeds so this will be trial and error. Thanks again. Elaine

Bonifay, FL

I would love to be put on the list for the Mystery Mix, too!

Mifflintown, PA(Zone 6a)

I would love to try your mystery mix. Do we send SASE?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

My i. carnea from lazlo germinated right away as well, and it is now a small bush.. and I am in Kansas! TOTO! ;D

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I think it's a great idea, especially since we're almost in the same zone!! Love to support fellow Texans.

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


I submitted my name for your trade, but did not hear anything else. Was I accepted? What are the rules, etc?



Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yea I was wondering too . Haven't heard a word since you started the thread.

Fridley, MN(Zone 4b)

I would like to get in on the Mystery mix too,


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well.. we all would, if we could figure out what happened to

hasn't posted in the thread or let anyone know anything since July 31

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

I sure hope that everything is O.k that is not like Lazlo.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

very true

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

I sent him a little D mail...not so much about the mix though. I told him I saw the concern about him here. I asked how he was and if there was need for concern and told him people were asking after him so...hopefully at least we will know he is well soon.



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