Question for Crasulady

Hi ,Crasulady, need to know if you would know the name of this succulent type plant.It is not a yucca nor agave .But it grows like the agave,straight upward stems and is a pale green [don't know what 'stems' are called on a plant of this type].It is very pointy.I would really like to know since I have all 3 plants. And that one has no name!TIA,Jane
p.s.I don't have a good cam right now,so I cannot post pics.

Valley Village, CA

Could be Aloe, Sansevieria, Draceana, Bulbine, Etc. Being that I'm just leaning and by far not a expert I would need more clues, pictures, pieces of a leaf, does it have a stem? Is is branched? Does it grow like an Iris,having a corm? Could it be a Glad (which has a bulb) Where did you get it.

I would gladly take it to the Huntington for identification if you would send me a leaf. Norma

Crasulady,it's just as stiff as the agave.All I know is that in spanish it is called a pita ,but then a yucca is called a palma [palm].So that name might not even have any meaning to it,generally speaking.Any other spanish speaking people here? I went ahead and took a pic today so just maybe it'll be good enough to post.Thanks again.And I wll check out those names of succulents you listed.

Valley Village, CA

Could it be picta, if so, check and see if has a spine on the tip, what color and how long. Rule out bulbine at this time. They look like Aloe often, but I don't think they are that stiff. Jon Dixon, where are you, please help? San are very stiff and upright. Agave, there are so many. I'll see if I can match up the part of the name you gave me. We have wild Avage here that looks like fencing rods? can't think of the correct name at the moment. Keep working at this, don't give up. Picta, is a name usually associatedd with white. Most Agave have white flowers. Norma

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