What to do when the cold strikes?

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have so many different types of succulents, and am unsure of what they all require when the weather turns colder. Right now I have them on an enclosed balcony. Once my screen door is fixed, it will recieve heat from the house. Most are directly on the window sill. Should I move them away? I have varied jades, sedums, pachyphydums,(pardon my spelling, brain is not yet awake) and a whole bunch more that my brain has forgotten. I am hoping to get set up with artificial lighting and shelves, so I can bring them in. But I am terribly confused with what everything needs right now.
ANy and all help would be appreciated.

Valley Village, CA

I would think they would be okay. Most plant need a rest so cut down on water now, start to harden the plants up. Water every two week at this time, starting Oct. once a month, November only when needed.If they are African they can go months without water. This will coincide with the African summer which is bone dry. That is why the plants hunker down in the soil, grasss, under rocks shelves, between cracks, under bushes. The cacti, if you have any, will actually smile for you in May and reward you with wonderful flowers.

Valley Village, CA

You may want to wrap them in 6m clear plastic. Some people would use an 100 watt light bulb or several to keep it warm. Enland uses gallon water jugs filled with water to keep in and hold the heat. The real sensitive ones keep closest to the house. In England they call this sort of room a conservatory, they do keep all the San. in this room. Most plants can tolerate cold if kept dry. Does anyone else want to add to this? Norma

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