How do you boil fresh eggs so shells come off easy

Conroe, TX

We sell ours for $2 a dozen and have more people wanting them then we have eggs. We have lots of hens but in this heat they arn't popping out the eggs. Plus, we lost 4 egg layers, one to a predator and 3 are sitting on eggs to hatch. Our blue/green egg layers were laying fairly well but have slacked off as well.
Will this heat ever end? ........probably about January.

Bridgewater, ME

Went to walmart today and I checked the price of eggs large white eggs .89 cents a dozen jumbos 1.29 a dozen.Why is white cheaper they are the same thing,an egg is an egg right?

(Zone 7b)

Green some think the brown taste better but just my opinion if it's caged and fed the resulting is and egg no matter the color.
I for one have looked at the brown eggs and they all look the same the free range look just like the farm ? eggs.
Some to me even look like white eggs dyed brown the color doesn't look natural.
Just how do you know it came from a free range place?

I buy my neighbors eggs he has 15 Buffs and his eggs are delicious {:~)

Conroe, TX

The outer color really doesn't make a lot of difference, it's the inside color. If the yolk is as pale as the white then it's not a very good egg. (store bought)

Cleveland area, OH(Zone 5b)

I just wanted everyone to know I tried the technique by smedgekles a little while ago, with eggs laid yesterday and today. It worked pretty darn well. Not like using old supermarket eggs, but a vast improvement! Definitely my new method. I am still going to keep a dozen of "older" eggs for boiling, but I wanted to give this method the acid test. I'll bet it works great on week old eggs.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I tried the method where you crack the egg and put it in cold water after boiling and this worked well, but they were store bought eggs (organic) so am unsure as to freshness. But I get a lot of store-bought eggs that don't peel unless I leave them in the fridge for a couple weeks, so this was an improvement. I'll try smedgekles' next!

Conroe, TX

Analemma, glad to hear it worked well for you!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL I tried to on really fresh eggs and that was a mistake... got egg salad from those eggs.I use to tell my kids that white eggs came from City chickens, and brown eggs came from Country Chickens,,, Now my daughter thinks that my colored eggs come from my alien chickens,,,

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I cannot wait to have fresh eggs so that I know what you are talking about! LOL

(Zone 7b)

You will love the fresh eggs i buy mine from my neighbor he has and array of layers.
$2 a dozen you can't beat that LOL

For those asking yourselves why do i buy eggs when i have bantams.........They are so small it takes 3 to be the size of a regular egg and i hatch most of mine............yes i know enquiring minds want to know LOL

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Can bantams live with large fowl?

(Zone 7b)

Just my opinion but i do not agree with it some say yes but it has been my experience that the big girls tend to pick on the smaller ones.

Some peoples experiences have been positive but there is always a chance things could go wrong and it's important to watch them when they are first introduced.
I have heard and seen both sides of this and as with all aspects of chickens it's completely up to the individual as to how they manage their flock.
Someone here tried this just recently and it didn't work out and they had to remove the bantams.

All flocks are different as well as the owners are different in how they manage and keep their chickens.
This forum is for everyone to give their opinions and comments on thier experience as chicken owners to help someone who is asking to make a decision that is best for them.
There is always a positive as well as negative side to all aspects of subjects and it would be totally amiss of me to only give one side.
I want the person to enjoy the positive but to also be aware that this or that can happen as well.

This message was edited Jul 19, 2009 12:20 AM

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. Darn. We will see. I think I need mini eggs!

(Zone 7b)

Mini Eggs LOL !!!

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

So if something were to result from a chicken & duck mating (I know it can't, can it?), would it say
quack-a-doodle-doo or cock-a-doodle-quack?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

lolol LoreenH... too funny.
We are getting enough eggs that Billy and I can not eat them ourselves... I am looking up egg recipies as I dont want them to go bad...

Although I do not recall how long a fresh egg will last? does anyone know?

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

You can freeze eggs, not in shell though, they will last about 6 months in the freezer. I will find the info and post it in a new thread.

(Zone 7b)

Loreen i went in search of and answer and found some interesting things.
It seems Drakes are heavier than roos and can break a egg in a hen killing them and can break the backs of bantams.
On the mating yes they will mate but some said it hurt the hens as the male Drakes have "parts" and the roos don't.

There was no mention of strange Quackadoodles so i guess nothing comes of the mating.

I witnessed a roo once mate with a hen duck and it was "traumatic" the duck was screaming as the roo did his job. (something i never want to see again)
But the fact the duck could injure a hen is enough for me to say "nope" don't want no "funny farm" things going on here LOL

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

ROF Harmony, I am getting a mental picture I dont want to have...

(Zone 7b)

...........Sorry :~....................was it TMI...................

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Do you like quiche MissJestr? I have a crustless quiche that I adore.

(Zone 7b)

Quiche!!! Southern folks don't do Quiche LOL

Just kidding i like quiche ;~)

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

We just make up other names for it so our husbands don't know what they're eating! ;)

(Zone 7b)

Please share the recipe we are always up for something new at my house :~)

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I'll send it as soon as I get home today!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Will a male duck not protect the female duck from the rooster?

(Zone 7b)

I have heard and read roosters and drake will fight so i guess it's whoever is strongest gets the hens {:~)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I love Quiche....

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I usually double if I am making it for my breakfast to take with me for the week.

4 eggs -- beaten
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
5 green onion tops (you can substitute the onion of your choice if you like)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
3/4 cup meat (precooked like bacon or ham - or none - your preference).
1 1/2 cups cheese - I like strong cheese so I generally go with a little less or it will be really rich.

Preheat oven to 350*
beat eggs, add cream, mix.
Add all other ingredients and mix
Pour into a greased 9" or 10 " pie plate (I use light spray or olive oil).
Bake until a knife inserted near center comes out clean.

Sometimes I add veggies and call it casserole if making it for dinner....

I have been known to brown hamburger, put taco seasoning on it and use that for the meat, but put it in the pie plate first, top with cheese and pour the egg plus the rest on it and then bake.....

(Zone 7b)

That sounds delicious thanks for the recipe {:~)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Cool thanks, I will try it

Ferndale, WA

Jenks: You asked can bantams live with the big girls? I know Harmony always comes off as the final authority here, but sometimes she is just wrong.

There is more to the world of chickens than her experience. I have approx sixty birds right now and eleven of them are bantams, four of the bantams are only six weeks old and trust me I keep a good eye on them. There has been no problem at all. That doesn't mean you can't have a mean rooster however that you might have to deal with. But that even happens with roo's and the big girls. Haystack

This message was edited Jul 18, 2009 12:43 AM

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I sense tension!

You do say though that you keep a good eye on them. I definitely do not keep an eye on mine while I'm at work. I'll wait and see. Maybe next year. I still have to settle their winter living quarters!

Just introducing the roo was stressful enough for me! He got to visit in short amounts of time and at one point I was ready to make him stew. But the girls put him in his place. Cinderella and Nicci are the rulers of the coop. I wonder now if he's a little on the girly side because he is not being a horny teen..... not once(!)

(Zone 7b)

Jenks thats so funny a girly roo I'm glad the roo worked out and he will come around sooner or later {;~)

This message was edited Jul 20, 2009 8:04 AM

Ferndale, WA

No tension here darling, just establishing the pecking order. LOL Haystack

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

To add to what Haystack said.. I have 37 chickens right now.. 20 are bantams & the rest are full size. No problems & I work at home so i see them all day long. Plus the windows are open so i'd hear any problems. I was a bit concerned at first but its worked beautifully. No one seems to understand that anyone else is smaller or bigger than them. Also my neighbor has close to 100 chickens currently. I'd guess about 50 of them are bantams. Some very very small bantams, like the size of a robin. Some are very large chickens like Leghorns. He has no problems at all. I also can see & hear his chickens all day long from the window where I work. I can understand the not wanting a large roo to catch a small bantam hen.. but then some of my bantams as large as my full size chickens.. so you can not state just to sort out bantams. It would need to be unique to each flock & unique to each situation. :) just my small opinion. I'm sure no ones chickens are quite as weird in thier behavor as mine.. consideing i caught my bantam hen Nutmeg sleeping next to my cat Lil Boy today with all the babies tucked under her on the wool rug on the front porch.

(Zone 7b)

I edited my post above to be more suited to the subject matter

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Haystack, you are so right though! I also have bantams with my flock.. there are no problems at all... Now if they are caged? I wouldn't do it.

We all know the term "All puffed up like a Banty Rooster" well.. that's cause they have "little man's syndrome" and they think they are 10' tall and most of the time bluff their way out of a situation..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I went to walmart tonight.. i almost fell over in shock. They clearanced the large white eggs bc they were overstocked & they are nearing the expiration date. 66 cents a dozen. WOW! They clearanced the Jumbo White eggs at $1.25/ dozen. Everything else was at least $1.50 to $3.00. Just thought i'd share that since the last time i posted on that eggs hadn't been below $1.89 in a couple years. I did notice many many people staring at teh eggs wondering aloud if they were safe to eat. :) it was amusing.

The only one who ever gets attacked by bantam's in my yard is my mom she is constantly the one who gets attacked by 1 roo. Sage dislikes my mom's tennis shoes. They are hot pink, gray & white. He has no fashion sense.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I am probably charging too little for my eggs. A friend to whom I delivered a dozen yesterday told me that she can't find free-range eggs for less than $4, and I only charge $2!

I don't really trust Walmart....

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