How do you boil fresh eggs so shells come off easy

Bridgewater, ME

Someone on here told me how to boil fresh eggs so the shells would come off without taking so much of the white with it,they said they had not tried it but wanted to know how I make out,I lost it,please anyone let me know what works for you I need to make egg salad.

Conroe, TX

Green I think I'm the one that told you about the egg boiling. Here it is again, let me know if this is what you were thinking of.......

Put the eggs in a pan of water and bring to a boil, remove from heat and put a lid on the pan, let them sit for 15 to 18 minutes depending on size of eggs. Remove the eggs with slotted spoon and put them in ice water for 1 minute. While you do this turn the heat back on the pan with water and bring it to a simmer. Remove the eggs one by one from the cold water and put them back in the simmering water for 10 seconds, just long enough for the shell to expand away from the egg. Remove and peel immediately. Worked better for me and the blue/green still peel the best for me.
Also, if you poke the the large end with a pin before boiling it helps to peel them too. Fresh eggs look better for deviled eggs (centered yolk) but are harder to peel. Eggs that are 7 to 10 days old are easier to peel. Also store eggs point down.

Ferndale, WA

Hi Green!!! Had to laugh, been there. Okay heres a formula that seems to work pretty good.

Step one: Place eggs in cold water and bring eggs to a fast boil. After fast boil begins continue boiling for 1min and 15 seconds then turn stove off.

Step two: allow eggs to set for 17 minutes in the previously boiling water.

Step three: Dump water out and put in fresh cold water, and allow eggs to set for at least one minute. Eggs should peel much easier. I know seventeen minutes is a long time to keep track, but you could use a timer that alerts you. Let me know how it turns out. I have tried it only once and was surprised at the difference. Haystack

Ferndale, WA

Hi Smedg: You posted while I was typing. I see we are not far apart.LOL

Bridgewater, ME

Thnaks I copied it this time and it will go in my receipt box,it was it was you smedgekles who gave it to me before but I will try both and let you know how they work.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

I discovered that steaming the eggs makes it so even fresh eggs peel! I also never get cracks with steam.

Richmond, TX

A while back I helped judge a Jr. High School science fair. One project involved discovering what to do to make boiled eggs easy to peel. The student had canvased the neighbors and tried each of their methods. The technique he found worked best was to put the cold eggs into boiling water and then when done chill them quickly with ice water. I have used this technique ever since with very good results. I do crack one occasionally but they all peel well. The sudden temperature changes seem to be the secret.

Conroe, TX

Putting the eggs from the hot to cold water and then back in the hot for a few seconds causes the shell to expand away from the egg.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Tell me more about steaming. I've not tried that.

Haystack, Sorry, I have to disagree with you. I have done extensive research on this! Your method works well for 'old' eggs but not for fresh. I normally keep a carton of eggs in the fridge until they are 'old' so I have eggs for boiled eggs. While Ali was visiting, I needed boiled eggs but didn't have any old ones. Used new one with disastrous results. so much of the white stuck, we were left mainly with yolk!

The difference of putting them back into boiling water after they've cooked and been submerged in cold water, I've not tried that either, but will do so soon now that I've read about it. And I would also like to try the steaming method if that could be elaborated on, please.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

wow u all cook eggs different than me,lol. i put them in warm water till pan is full even w/ top of the eggs and then bring it to a rolling boil on high and add salt to the water. once they start to boil i turn the heat down to low to cook for 10 min. after time is up i put the pan in the sink and run cold water till nothing but cold water is left in and the hot spills out over the sides of the pan. i leave them sit in the pan while i start peeling. usually they r still warm inside(sometimes hot) and shells come off with a nice shinny egg inside real easy to peel. with fresh eggs i noticed they have to be a few days old to help sometimes or ya get crators in them,lol.

dh-mike can't peel eggs for nothing he can't figure out how all my eggs come out better than his but i do them how my mom taught me to do them when i was a kid. i can't remember what the salt does i use it like that with noodles too and i know it keeps them from sticking together in a blob. it might keep the shells from sticking so much not sure but i rarely have cracked eggs that leak too. mike does his different and doesn't use salt and he always has cracked ones and totally killed ones cause they don't peel right at all. he just chops them up and mixes it in the filling part so it's not just yolks in the deviled eggs. i rarely have to use the whites they almost always come out.

see if this way may help ya any,

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

I put them in a steamer basket, put the lid on and when the water starts to boil, I cook them for 10 minutes or so and then let them sit for probably another five. Then I uncover, put the pan in the sink and turn on the cold water. Once they are cold I peel them under a little running water, the water gets under the shell and membrane and loosens it.

If I have a batch that simply won't peel clean and I don't need whole eggs, I cut them in half right through the shell with a sharp or serrated knife and scoop them out with a spoon like an avocado.

Bridgewater, ME

OK, tried both Hays and Smedg ways of boiling eggs both worked(still not as good as old eggs) a lot better than what I was doing,I would have to say out of the two Hays was quicker and they did peel a little easier.Will try the steaming one next,Thanks Guys for you answers

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

I add a little vinegar to the cooking water, bring to a hard boil, then turn off the flame, cover and let sit for 15 minutes. Then I run cold water over them.

My biggest problem with fresh eggs from the local farm is that the yolks are never centered, which makes it hard to make deviled eggs. Anybody have a solution for that? Do the eggs needs to be a few days old?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I just mound the mixture wherever the hole is. It doesn't need to be centered. Everyone loves deviled eggs and no one has even complained they weren't centered! LOL

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

That's what I ended up doing, it's just that I was trying to make 2 dozen from 1 dozen eggs but that didn't happen because the yolks weren't centered.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Why would it even matter?

Richmond, TX

If you look to see where the yolk is before you cut the egg in half, sometimes you can make it look more symmetrical and avoid having a side that is too thin to support the filling.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

an older lady i know told me to bring the water to a rolling boil, put eggs straight out of the fridge into it, boil for 15 minutes, take out, drain & fill with cold water & ice for a few minutes.. i always forget & leave them for like another 15. THen drain & peel. Even the new farm eggs were peeling fine last night. use to put vingar in them bc grandma said it helped them to not crack.. haven't done it in a while tho.

Richmond, TX

greykyttn, your friend's technique sounds the same as the science fair project; works for me.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Well Gwendalou, it matters because I wanted to have enough to go around at a potluck hence, the attempt for 24 nicely packed devilled eggs instead of 12-15 with the filling leaking out. So I just thought I would ask if anyone knew how to prevent it. I never had that problem with store bought eggs so there must be a way to keep the yolk from settling but I guess only the professionals know. I'll just google it.

Conroe, TX

I think storing them point down helps to keep the yolk more centered.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks smedgekles,

I will try that with the next batch. Ehow also said to store them in a carton on their sides.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Dragon, No, I meant why does it matter if they're not centered! LOL I just use them off center, even if it's only the barest wall left on one side and even if they tear. No one has ever complained, but you're right, they look so much nicer if they're centered.

I did read that if you store the eggs with the small ends down, the yolks will be centered. I don't know why they 'shift' when they're cooking. Maybe that's again where you need the older eggs that have had the yolks in the center for a long time before cooking.

If you find a solution, let us know!

For years I used to half my deviled eggs the wrong way before I learned how to do it right. Now talk about your funny looking deviled eggs!


Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

uncentred is ok for family but when I make them for a potluck or get together, I like them to look as if I took some care in the prep, you know? Otherwise, people who don't know me are liable to pass them up thinking that my cooking methods might be sloppy too.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I can see your point. Altho to be honest, at any place I've ever been that with deviled eggs, they go so fast, no one seems to care about looks! But now that you point it out, I guess mine are the only ones terribly off center that I can remember seeing. LOL Now I'm feeling bad about serving them! Maybe I'll whip up a batch and see if laying the carton on its side makes a dif. Did they say it mattered which side they laid on?

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

When there are a lot of men, you can't keep the eggs for long but get a bunch of women together, at least the ones in my neighborhood association, and if they don't like the way they look, you'll end up with a lot left over. So if you've never had to toss the eggs out, then you are doing ok, LOL!

The instructions didn't say which side but they did say to put a rubber band around the carton first.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

u might try boiling them with the points all down. I did that for some unknown reason a couple weeks back & as we were peeling them i noticed they were more centered than usual & they are all fresh farm eggs, less than 12 hrs old. idk if it was that or something else but that's the only thing i did different this time.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

How the heck did you accomplish that?!?!? Don't they just float around and orient themselves however they feel like it?

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

:) i was bored, it was near 100 degrees, didn't want the stove on really & so i played with the eggs as I put them in there to see how many i could fit. i'd already decided that what fit was all that was getting boiled & someone would just do without. If you take the time you can fit them in the pan so that they don't move as they boil. First time i ever did it with the bottoms up but i usually stuff them tight so they don't bounce around. Seems to keep them from cracking & I don't have to boil two pans worth to get enough eggs. I think its a 1 quart pan i use & i get 10 to 11 eggs in it at a time. Sometimes I fill the spaces btwn eggs with banty eggs. Next time i boil eggs I'll take a picture of it. Which should be this week. I refuse to cook if its going to be over 100.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

If you put about a tablespoon of vinegar in the water, the whites don't seep out if the egg(s) should crack.

Don't know if this would work with very fresh eggs, but after I boil eggs I drop them in the sink to make the shells crack. Then put them back in the pan with cold water and let them sit about 10 minutes. The shells come right off, rarely have I had a problem with shells sticking.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Dang, I'm gonna be makin eggs til the cows come home trying all these different methods. Maybe I better wait til my chickens start a-layin cuz this could get eggspensive!

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

It doesn't do any good to experament with store eggs, they are almost always a week old by the time you get them. Any egg will peel after a week.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I usually buy fresh from locals or at the farmer's market.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

What do the prices at the farmers market/local sellers there run? Ours here is $9 a dozen.. for brown & green or blue eggs.. $6 for white. I was seriously thinking about selling eggs there next summer.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Are you serious? It's between $4 and $5 a dozen here. And I thought that was $$$! Other places i've heard it's $2 or $3. How can it be $9 in MO? What is it in the stores? Even in our very high priced grocery store (no competition makes for ridiculous prices) you can buy organic for $5 a dozen.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Ohhh wow I am in the wrong state... I usually give my eggs away what Billy does not eat. They are green and blue, and now I am getting between 4 to 6 day, he cant eat that much... Hummm maybe I should look into selling them... And my chickens are fit clean with plenty of space to roam so I guess you could call them free range..I call them Free Ranch...

Bridgewater, ME

I sell mine for 2.00 a dozen,you can get them at walmart 1.89 a doz.They are brown large not free range

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

1.89 a dozen at walmart.. i wish! they are 2.50 a dozen for brown eggs not free range here at walmart. $3 for Free range brown at walmart. The only eggs to get to below $2 are the white large eggs that don't sell. The last two days before thier exp date they drop thier price. Idk how the lady sells them at the Farmers Market.. but they seem to flock to her. I don't have to buy them bc i have a neighbor who just gives me eggs as I need them since they have extras & more chickens than i do. I was selling mine for $2 a dozen just out of the house 5 yrs ago. Tho my mom gave so many of them away that I lost money in the end. This time we r not giving them away except under certain circumstances. :o) i intend on making money at this.. i need money for seeds & plants next spring for a garden.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Mine are colored, no brown... LOL just gave a girl that was on the ranch today 5 fresh eggs layed today. She was lovin the color and asked me if I was sure I did not need them.. I gave her a look... I have 2 1/2 dozen in the fridge.. Making more Flan tomorrow... Going to try a recipe change....

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

:) if mine ever get around to understanding they can lay eggs... mine should be colored, brown & IF matilida isn't a matt one white egg. Still not sure on her/him.

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