CLOSED: Offiicial Scramble (Independence day) - Week 6

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

FINALLY the host shows up - lol.

Robin will be proud, cue - you done good^_^

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

sorry, had to take apart ythe keyboard and clean it, the keys were beginning to stick...LOL. didnt think it was gonna take quite that long, but you shoulda seen the ickyness that was under there... ewwwww.

Definately gonna share with blondie. We ALWAYS share. Just sent her a big box last week too. and a package of seeds a few days before. We're bestest buddies, forever. I already d-mailed her I'm sharing with her. She sent 2 of the answers to me this morning before she went to work, I only had to find one of them, and worked ALL day to find it.

Orlando, FL

hi alll thanks mekos your the best

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

One more scramble closed^_^

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Good job on the 2 you got blondie!!

Orlando, FL

thank you i would of got the other if i hadnt gone to work
thanks again

Blondie is the BEST. She gets them when she is home. I COULDN'T have got it without her.We work together. We also share together. She is the best.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Congrats to you both! Great Job Blondie, on the Confederate Jasmine.. I was sure that one was gonna take days for someone to solve it! But, you proved me wrong! WOOT! we are some smart peeps here!

Orlando, FL

it was all in the dreams last night those letters went thru my head like you wouldnt believe, when i got up i wasnt going to look at it and tried and all three came pretty easy considering the one was wrong took the chance that it was a mis type, we allll make mistakes. no biggy like mekos said we work as a team and got er dun.
thanks all, it was fun, as i said before i just like playing, until my head hurts sooo bad i cant sleep and wake up sick, then i know i need a break.
have a good nite all i have to be up at 4 for work

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mekos, dont forget to dmail your addy :)

I did. Thank you so much. Good night everyone. Long day tomorrow.

Cue, I want you to d-mail blondie for her address info for the plants, please. She is the REAL winner here. If she hadn't had to go to work she would have known about the mistake and she would have fixed it. SHE is the best and best friend you could have so she deserves those plants. I want her to have them. I appreciate you and please get the info when she comes back from work tomorrow. She can take better care of them than me anyway and like I said, she was the real winner. I won her friendship and that's worth more to me than any plants.So thanks anyway and have a good night. (I would have been back sooner, but my internet was down again.)

Orlando, FL

here we go with the confusion again TRUE BLONDS even if we all arent blond lol
well i got to go to work might be on tonight have a split shift and didnt get but maybe 2 or 3 hours sleep.
when is the next scrmble my brain needs the work lol
have a wonderful day all this is my next challenge over the weekend.

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Cue, read your story about the freezer, so sorry u had to go thru that.. it isn't fun.. I know from past experience..

HI Blond! Great guy! Looks a little tired though. Maybe he needs one of those mojitos everyone was drinking. LOL

Mekos congrats on pulling it out of the bag. You and Blond make a great team. What's your secret?

Secret weapon is well, Blondie, And God looking down on us, with lots of GOOD friends and just plain out having fun. Have a great day everyone. Got to go to the post office and send off some trades. Margaret, yours is coming, few surprises too.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Congrats Blondie and Mekos on winning. Mekos I'll look forward to the package since it has a few surprises in it. I LOVE surprises.
Hey Cue are you going to send in an envie for those Datura seeds? Noticed she posted she's not received yours yet.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Send your envie, cue. X is a very generous trader. I got a good number of seeds from her.

Orlando, FL

locakelly and mekos i sent out your orchids today after work and look what i found in someones trash on the way home there was about 5 they had totally killed but i saved 7

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Orlando, FL

thanks mindy
isnt he the cutest i couldnt resist having him in my garden now when i got him done i will have to find a good name for him so while i weed i have someone to talk to LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks blondie!! I'll let you know when the orchid arrives.

Dumpster diving rocks - lol. You never know what you'll find in someone's trash.

Orlando, FL

i got most of the plants in my yard from a subdivision where the construction trailers were i filled a uhaul sized truck i love dumpster diving, i got trees plus unreal what people throw out

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I didn't get your brug sent out today as promised and I do apologize for that. I had to work on the phone all day just about to get my unemployment straightened out. They did some changes in our State Laws regarding unemploment the first of July and it messed up everything on mine, and I tell you what we have got some of the dumbest people working in the DWD I have ever seen. I am not the brightest person when it comes to those kind of things but I really think I could have done a better job than they have.
Will definitely get it out tomorrow.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Where is every body this was closed and no new thread started?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, just pick one.. I only closed it so no one wold think the scramble was still going on... we an still chat on here tho

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I went back and posted on the other thread too . I thought everyone just disappeared off the face of the earth after the scramble was over. :)))))))

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone I'm popping in and out not much time to write while trying to get a set of baby booties made before Saturday. Plus picking blackberries.

Cue I received an email today saying that black calla shipped so should get it by the end of the week.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Here ya go... where everyone should be now...

Orlando, FL

no scramble hmmmm something is wrong here where is arejay

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Blond arejay is posting on the new thread Cue started.

Orlando, FL

where at

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Should be here

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