CLOSED: Offiicial Scramble (Independence day) - Week 6

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Guess who THIS awesome chick is????

Thumbnail by cue_chik

Hey girl, is thet you? Do I win??? You should have put the plants in there somewhere so they would have been in the picture. Hey, you look like a friend of mine around here, but she dies her hair red, like koolaid red. Her natural color is blond but use to keep it black, now real red. Her name is sandra.I've known her since she was about 10. She is so quiet and meek. She is about 25 or so now.

Hey you guys, I got to go to bed. I'm wore out. I'm all sunburned and still scratching the poison ivy or what ever it is I keep getting into. I figure some obnoxious plant I have because this happens to me all the time and I know what poison ivy and poison oak looks like and don't go near it, so I'm out for the night. Just no good at this with out a picture or something to go with. ( or my buddies to help me) Any way, had a great day and talk tomorrow. Good luck everyone, and hope you don't get it before I do.Love you guys. Back tomorrow.

Orlando, FL

well i got here a little late wanting to wish you all a happy 4th here are a couple pictures

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Orlando, FL

and maybe a couple more for those who might of missed out

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Orlando, FL

here is a cool one

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Orlando, FL

we did fireworks at my aunts here is the last

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Those are some great pictures blond

Orlando, FL

well i have one more kinda neat i only have a bout 100
yall have a good night

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

That one looks like feathers. :))))))))))

Orlando, FL

thank you flower it is called luck i got some more these were my favorite i couldnt believe how many i took

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Orlando, FL

the first one i posted i thought was really different

Orlando, FL

hey cue sorry about your freezer, i had that happen and with the heat here woow i know i thru my freezer mess and all out at the dump i couldnt stop getting sick and my husband is even weaker.
well have a good night

Great pictures Blondie! That's for the flash. Counting on you to unscramble the words. :) Mekos has gone to bed I think and I'm still clueless. Flowers still working at it I see. Good luck ladies. Check in tomorrow.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning everyone! Hope everyone is busy today trying to figure out the scrambles. I'll be posting another clue when I get home this afternoon, but until then, just keep on searching!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hey cue, sorry about the food you lost, but you might want to check your homeowners insurance, as ours covers that with no deductible, so they replace everything, or at least send a check to use to replace. Just a thought. Still working on trying to unscramble.

Orlando, FL

goood morning all hope you all had a great fourth i did. ate toooo much. well off to the scramble before i go to work
have a good day

Orlando, FL

it figures i got the first 2 and now i have to go to work dern it all
mekos only has to figure out the last i gave her my two unless no one gets it before i get home
have a great day all

Orlando, FL

i got them all here they are

verbena canadensis rose verbena NRSCABEADVNINEASE
salvia africana salvia INAVECAFLASIARA missing the e thought it might be mistype
trachelospermum jasminoides conferate jasmine MRJSOEHMDLMRASCAINTEOSUIPE

blond do have more fun

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 10:00 AM

Congrats Blondie! Knew we could count on you! :)

Orlando, FL

yippppeee jumping for joy
i amgoing to be late for work my brain wouldnt stop working
wont be home till 8 or 9 see ya alll then have a wonderful day
i am now

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 9:51 AM

Orlando, FL

sparks are flying now

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Orlando, FL

thanks seray

I just got on here to start again and found it's too late. Congratulations blondie! I'm tickled plum pink, and red and blistered. Now you have more to celebrate! You deserve them. Those are some great plants. Hey, everyone did a good job and made it a fun week-end. Whoever donated, THANKS a BUNCH!!! Going back to the sofa for a while. Will check back in later. Love you guys.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Congrats blond.

I think Cue donated. Thank you Cue!!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately, Blondie has not solved the puzzle. it is in fact not Salvia Africana it is NOT a mistype :(... try looking again Blondie.. you'll figure it out :)

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 3:43 PM

Verbena canadensis#1
#2-salvia africanae
#3- trachelospermum jasminoides -confederate jasmine

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

mekos strikes again!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

nope.. sorry mekos, thats not it either...LOL, nice try tho

#2 salvia farinacea Mealy cup sage

#1 verbena canadensis #2 salvia farinacea mealy cup sage and #3 trachelospermum jasminoides conferderat jasmine
Is this right Cue? Tell me, tell me, tell me. Blondie sent me her site for the latin names before work this morning but she thought she had won. She is gonna be crushed. I've looked all day for that one word. That has got to be it. TELL ME?!?!

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 7:05 PM

Cue_chik, where have you gone? You out getting more pizza?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I think she wants to make you sweat - lol.

IS THIS IT???? I been sweating all day. I finally finished my canopy over my pond and just got to go get more potting soil and then the big load of mulch and I'll send pictures. It's starting to shape up. I got vines sprouted everywhere, mostly morning glory vines all colors and some passifloras, and scarlet red bean vines and Sky vine -blue, and 3 very tiny jasmine seeds just sprouted 1/2 inch tall. I got a few more can't remember them all. Chocolate vine, magnolia vine, Oh well a bunch of vines to climb all over the canopy top and sides. It's almost finished so I can sit back and look at it.

verbena canadensis

Thumbnail by mekos

salvia farinacea - mealy cup sage-

Thumbnail by mekos

Trachelospermum jasminoides- confederate jasmine

Thumbnail by mekos


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes Mekos, you are correct. Congrats.

You have won:

Victoria Blue Salvia
Confederate Jasmine
Red Creeping Verbena (creeping vervain)

Congrats... maybe you should share one with Blondie.. she did almost have it after all

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 8:38 PM

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