CLOSED: Offiicial Scramble (Independence day) - Week 6

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well helloooooo everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your 4th of July celebrations so far!

This week, I am standing in for Robin as hostess of this weeks scramble! its a THREEfer!

Being that it is a holiday weekend, everyone eligible may participate, whether you've previously won this month, or not!!!

Three plants, three puzzles, ONE winner!!!

Ok, here are the rules:

1) You must be a new member (8 months or less)

2) You must be a subscribed member (paid membership)

3) You must unscramble all three puzzles to win. Partial answers will not win the prize. Post your answers only when you think you have solved all three.

4) Please do not post other scrambles in this thread. If you wish to host your own, please do so by creating a separate thread. This makes life easier on everyone participating :)

5) Have fun! After all, that's really what it's all about!

Now, on with the scramble!


2) INAVECAFLASIARA (15 letters)


and there ya have it! Now go forth and seek ye the answers to the puzzles which I have bestowed upon thee!

This message was edited Jul 4, 2009 6:05 PM

Hellow cue.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

hellow mekos... hows your holiday so far?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

jeeeeez, I spent all this time spell checking.. counting letters, over and over... making sure they are all there.. and what do I do? I misspell a word in the THREAD TITLE! Im a tard!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Man cue your killing me I don't have that much brain left !

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok fine... sheesh.. here is your FIRST clue.. and thats it for today,....LOL...

All scrambled letters are LATIN plant names..... so there ya go, a starting point!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

ROFLMBO, your good cue:))))))))))))

We'll forgive you cue. You doing good. You even started ON time. (sorry robin) LOL. Good thing she is on vacation and can't see this. Hehehe.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, thanks.. I tried hard...LOL, but not as hard as you all will have to try to solve these scrambles...muwahahahahaha!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

hey mekos don't bet on that she takes a laptop with her !!!!!!!!!

SSSHHHHHH.Sorry Robin. It must have been the sun today hurting my brain. Have fun out on your trip you sweet heart.

HI Cue

Great job!!! Got my Taylors out and going blind!! Now that you're officiating and not participating I feel like I could have a relaxed supper and resume later. Everyone else is at the fireworks party right? Except for Flower and Mekos. LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL Seray, Im not sure whether to be flattered or insulted...LOL, I choose FLATTERED!!!! WOOT!

Hey you go to the fireworks display, I'm unscrambling these words to win. Then we'll see fireworks here!!!! Woo-hoot to you cue.

Flattered it is. Can I borrow your vampire brain for tonight. You know how good I am at these things. :) I found a 'Black Pea' vine. (Ebay delight). A must have for the Newbie Gothic garden. If it survives this heat I'll send her to you. Back to the books etc.


OK, Where is all my help at??? I'm all alone here thank you very much, Blondie. I could use your brain right about now girl. That soft ware isn't working so good.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

O...M...G... I did just the most disgusting, gross deed anyone has ever had to do... so gross, it forced me to take two showers!!!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm trying Mekos but I'm lousy at Latin names Cue I don't want to know what that gross thing was that needed two showers

Hey girl, I got virgin eyes, watch that stuff.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I do. It can't be any worse than slipping and falling in the pond and getting all yucky and stinky from the decomposed muck on the bottom. Have to scrub your nails with a brush to get the gunk out and Iused lava soap too.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Here's the story:

last Wednesday, I noticed a kinda funky smell in the garage. Well, we keep our trash can in the garage so I figured since Thursday was trash day, once it had been picked up, I'd scrub the trash can clean again and get rid of the smell. Ok, no big deal.

Thursday comes, trash is picked up, I go about scrubbing the trash can with comet and bleach. let it dry... put it back in the garage. Can still smell this faint unidentifiable funky smell. figured it maybe was stuck in the garage, so let it air out the rest of the afternoon.

Friday comes, I go to get in my car for work... and I can still smell it. so, vow to come home and lysol the garage, air it out and be done with it. get home, open the garage door to let it air out some more. Lysol the the heck outta it... and go to bed.

Saturday morning comes (today), walk out to get in the car for work... smell is BACK.. and stronger. Im thinking now that something must have gotten into the garage and died. vow to come home and search garage for deceased animal.

Ok, come home this afternoon, move boxes, pots and misc. items, but find nothing. I am now thoroughly perplexed. WHAT THE H*LL IS THE SMELL!?!?!?!?

so NOW, there are flies all in the garage. I watch... to see where they congregate... sure as heck, the find a spot.... right on top of my deep freezer!

Now... I look to see if the freezer 'on' light is on... and its not. I now dread opening the top. The smell is so strong as it is, theres no telling what I will be hit with when I open the door.

Bracing myself, I open the top and
BAM" I am hit with the nastiest, nauseating smell ever. and what do I find? About 25 ponds of meat, veggies and whatnot, not only thawed, but now has a nice 1 inch thick layer of maggots. I look down, and can see maggots pouring from the drain hole at the bottom. apparently, thats how they got in.

Ok, so I go lose my cookies in the bathroom, find my rubber gloves, bleach and several trash bags and go about my task of cleaning out the freezer.

Spray bleach, rinse out, spray bleach, rinse out.. over and over...watching the maggots float in the stream down the driveway. DISGUSTING!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

EEW I knew I didn't want to hear about that nasty stuff that took 2 showers. Sorry you lost all that food though.

EEEEWWWWWUUUUHHHH!!!!! Nasty deed. I probably would have called the trash people back and donated the freezer too. YUK!!!! If you lived closer, I would have give you mine. My hubby bought it for me 4 years ago and the most it's had in it was 2 bags of ice and a turkey one year until I cooked it. It runs all the time and is empty. What power I could save by getting it out. But he says if we get rid of it, we'll need it. Duh.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, well, I actually do use mine. cuz when there are deals at the grocery store, I try and stock up when I can.. it comes in handy for things like when frozen pizza that is normally $4.99 goes on sale for $1.99... I tend to buy like 10 or 12

You poor baby, that is awful about all that food going bad. Do you know what caused it to go out? Is it ok now? Do you know what happened to it to cause the thing to defrost?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

apparently, the breaker to the outlet tripped... at least a week ago near as i can figure. it just needed to be reset. However.. doesnt bring back all the food int he freezer I had...LOL. well, at least there is chicken noodle soup and ramen noodles int he pantry.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

altogether I lost

5 frozen pizza's
10 pounds of ground beef
4 packs of pork chops
bag of shrimp (boy is that nasty when it thaws)
about 10 misc bags of frozen veggies, side dishes, chili, etc..
2 trays of Stouffers lasagna...
and two packs of hot dogs...LOL

LOL.. just isnt my week apparently.

It's not ALL bad, you did get some nice plants. I'm sorry though even though that doesn't help you. Maybe nice sales coming up to restock with. We can always hope.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

OK... one more clue before I go to bed....

iach scramble is TWO WORDS... thats right.. even the 26 letter scramble is only TWO WORDS..

so.. there are your clues... all three are latin plant names.. and all three are two words each.

Thanks ,my dear. Gwoot nwoot to you.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, everyone!!

Checking in. Just got home from the BBQ. Not sure if we'll go see the fireworks later as I'm real tired - lol. Good job on the scramble KT1. I frankly don't have a clue yet, but I'll work on it tonight. I see we have some new folks. Hiya Pam & Hope!! Welcome to the funny farm!

Cue, so sorry to hear about your freezer. I had that happen once years ago and the smell is wicked. Hard to get out, too. Hope you can get it cleaned up and running again. That sucks you lost your food though.

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday.

Night Cue. Hate it that you had all that clean up and the loss of all that food. We used to lose power from hurricanes in FL and ice storms in KY. Nasty clean up that's for sure. Thanks for the clues. LOL (still clueless)

Happy Fourth everyone!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

eh, Im up for a bit longer I think. The fireworks are noisy at the moment. LOL

Hey cue, put some baking soda in the freezer to help with the fumigating. (A whole lot)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Mekos.. didn't think about that! BTW, I recieved your Hibi seeds yesterday! WOOT! Any advice and starting them?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mekos is right. You can scrub it with the baking soda then put some in it to help with the odor.

put them in dirt in a pot and water, when they sprout, put out in the ground. that's what i did.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

mekos, you have dmail

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Ok, so just plant em in a pot and then in the ground.. got it. I was hoping it would be easy...LOL. Im not good at the whole scarification, stratification thing.

Well, thats all I did. Why do stuff the hard way? It might be better if you ask someone who knows more about them than me but that's all I did. Took a while to sprout. It might go faster if you soak them, but no one told me how to do it, so I just put them in starter soil and watered.

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