More Disabled Gardeners, Laughing with Joy ...

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Sorry I have been working so hard I have not been in the mood to laugh either. I am running out of steam it seems. Still love you guys but tired. Goodnight

Midland City, AL

Birdie, Dogwood sounds like he will make a wonderful friend. I am a little surprised you took him in though. So many bird lovers I know have a more negative attitude toward cats than the birds themselves do. Catherine, the ancient, semi-feral cat who lived here as long as I can remember, hasn’t been seen for over a week. She has done disappearing acts before for days at a time, but I don’t think she is coming back this time. We’ve talked about going to the animal shelter to find another cat. Cats are almost necessities on a farm.

I know what you mean, Scraps. The heat and the rain together mean that mowing and weeding are constant jobs. It still amazes me how quickly things can grow in the south.

Carrie, hope things get better soon.

Can’t figure out how old Don Quixote does it. He has all the ladies around here making over him. Can’t just be the ears. I mean, I have big ears too, but the ladies don’t “oh-h-h” and “ah-h-h” over me! maybe i need furry ears.

Thumbnail by seacanepain
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

secane - perhaps I need to clarify some things.

I am a little surprised you took him in though. So many bird lovers I know have a more negative attitude toward cats than the birds themselves do. Catherine, the ancient, semi-feral cat who lived here as long as I can remember, hasn’t been seen for over a week. She has done disappearing acts before for days at a time, but I don’t think she is coming back this time. We’ve talked about going to the animal shelter to find another cat. Cats are almost necessities on a farm.

there is a purpose for having cats outdoors on a farm (neutered/spayed). But there is not any such need otherwise. All of my cats are indoor only. With my property being a recognized backyad wildlife habitat, i really could not have left Dogwood outside to dine on my wonderful array of fluttering fauna. So....into the house he came, where in quick time he had me thoroughly enamoured and quickly adopted into his life.
He most likely would have been spared his appointment for the rainbow bridge if I had turned him over to animal control, as his sweet personality would surely have gained him access to one of the many rescue groups who "bail out" the "highly adoptable" cats and dogs.
He had me hooked though in only a few short hours cuddled under my arm and chin purring like a motor boat.
ow the next part may be a bit of a challenge as surely my 2 older girls will not be so welcoming. And I strongly suspect that my precious Elvis may be responsible for the "treeing" of Dogwood to begin with as the cat is quite clearly terrified of my 26 lb min Poodle. So, I just gonna hang on and be ready for a bumpy ride!!!

My prayer is that each and every one of you opens your eyes to see the "something special" (even just a moment) that will be there just for you today because of how much you are loved by our Creator!

warm thoughts and prayers,
~Sheri~ ^_^

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sheri, what a lovely wish! I'll pray for that type of experience today for the family.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

The Weekly Amargia Report

Lifelong Amargia resident, Catherine DeCat, has disappeared. Given Cat’s generally likable personality and very advanced age, her disappearance is believed to be the result of natural causes. Foul play is not suspected.

But, Catherine’s often un-cat-like behavior has lead to some unusual speculations. Nadine Hannah, another lifelong Amargia resident and Cat’s closest human friend has long held the belief that Cat was an alien life form assigned the mission of unobtrusively observing humankind. Nadine is of the opinion that Cat’s mission was compromised by the fact that she had lived beyond an earthly cat’s normal lifespan. “Lots of people were beginning to realize I was right and suspect Cat’s true identity.” Nadine maintains. When asked how she came to know the truth about Catherine, she points to Cat’s fascination with computers and television watching habit. And, her preference for the NASA channel, in particular was a give away. Everyone knows that normal earthly pets only like “Animal Planet.”

Thumbnail by Amargia
SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Jim Smith has charged the women at Amargia with tampering with the design of the “Guy’s Garden.” This occurred after a lily, delicate pink in color, bloomed there All members of Amargia’s female majority deny the charges. Dark foliage and deep, rich bloom colors defined this garden until last year. At the women’s insistence, white was introduced for contrast. It is believed this is how the pink bloom was able to infiltrate this sanctuary of male garden aesthetics. .

“If, I say if, I put it there it was an accident.” Jennifer states. The males are not demanding the re-location of the pretty pink lily at this time, but have stated the lily should be referred to as “Bruce.”

Thumbnail by Amargia
SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Controversy has arisen over the design of the garden dedicated to Helen Sorensen. Specifically, a retaining wall designed to resemble a serpent. Those responsible for implementing the design decided the wall was “too unconnected” to the site. The way it abruptly began and ended made the whole area seem unfinished. “There is nothing wrong with a retaining wall looking like a retaining wall!” Jim declared. He has agreed to withhold final judgment until it has been painted its final color and the plants are in place. Some suspect this negative attitude is yet another example of the “pink problem” so many men have. The snake has pink eyes. (What can I say. It seemed like a good use for old nail polish.)

Thumbnail by Amargia
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL I knew of a former woman who now goes by Bruce. Bruce wears pink well ^_^

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

It became evident this week that the rural Deep South needs its very own version of “Miss Manners.” A certain individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, stumbled into a well camouflaged fire ant mound. This incident resulted in interesting debates on theology and etiquette. The incident evoked questions such as:
Does God still know it’s cussing’ if it is done in Creole French?
Is it actually “cussin’” if no deities are involked and the ire is not directed to another human being? Or, is that just “crude language?” Ants don’t seem to care one way or another about insults directed toward their mothers, so it is not as if you’ve hurt their feelings.
Would it be considered inconsiderate and rude or more polite to cuss in a language unknown to the people around you?
What is the polite and proper reaction when someone has to do the fire ant strip in public, particularly if in mixed company.
There should be a final authority to resolve these matters of etiquette peculiar to the rural Deep South.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

What is the polite and proper reaction when someone has to do the fire ant strip in public

hmmmmm .....(BirdieBlue scratches under right wing as she ponders)

polite and proper reaction

I don't think that "reactions" can be selectively induced. It may just be the medical person inside my head that responds,and I'm thinking "knee-jerk reaction"............which just happens when that nerve is tapped.

A mound of fire ants attacking from the south up my body ASAP = strip, scream (hot air of some type coming out of mouth), locate and drench with nearest water hose!


Midland City, AL

I am sure when the rural deep south finds its Judith Martin or Emily Post she (or HE-- let’s not be sexist.) will tell us it is HIGHLY improper for a woman to assist a man (not her handsome and brilliant husband) with brushing the ants off his bare derriere. As BirdieBlue pointed out, a spray from the water hose would have done this job quite nicely.

Most men born post-1960, by the way, do not have a “pink problem.”. We do have a problem with women automatically assuming their aesthetic sense is superior to ours.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

As Birdie also said "knee jerk reflex."

But, women DO have a superior aesthetic sense 90% of the time.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

somehow...a whole lot of this information is going right on over my head.
for example- What is this?

a “pink problem.”. far as MY "knee jerk reflex"(actually, I should have written "response")...but .......the ONLY reason that a water hose would have been part of MY instant response is because back in 1973 while stationed @ Charleston AFB in SC.......(taking deep breath) would be that my 4.5lb tiny toy Poodle was being assaulted by Fire ants ...swiping with my hand did no good (long poodle hair n all) and the garden hose just HAppened 2b laying in front of me & as I was screaming HELP ME. . ..suddenly 2+2="turn on the water and drown the little stinkers" THAT HAD ...........SO, that experience just happens 2b in my RRRB (rapid response repertoire bank)/AKA "triple R bank"......................I truly doubt anyone would immediately think of that unless they had some foreknowledge, as all of this thread's readers now do. (whew!! that wore me out & jump started my APR) ((ooops! apical pulse rate)) just reliving it enough to write it down!)
I believe that I would have assisted with the brushing off of the despicable insects.
perhaps the Carolina's don't qualify as south enough. perhaps some Alabamans (??) are still living in the pre '60's "dream". If I were involved in this I pray that I would just not be a "spoon" and "stir up" any more talk of this "event".

as far as Judith and Emily ....who are they?
In studying the Word I have learned that if /when my neighbor(not just my next door neighbor but everyone we encounter) is hurt or in need, I am EXPECTED to help them. I also read where Jesus is speaking and says "Whatever you do to the least of these it is as if it were done unto me."

And so much more!........
So, that sounds to me that anyone around that hurting man who was under fire ant assault & did NOT render assistance was surely not in GOD's Will.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Whoa - it sounds like something interesting happened upthread. I will go and RE-read it all. Usually I read this thread first for the warm fuzzy feelings it gives me but this past week or so I've been numb to all feelings, warm and fuzzy or otherwise.

OK, fire ants, we don't have, but they sound NASTY! Pink problem, absolutely. My vintage 1951 model only wears pink if it's red and white stripes. Superior aesthetic sense - ours is different, not better, but we care so much more. So we win.

The choir director is on vacation today so I'm in charge of music. DD#2 is on piano, DH trombone prelude, DDs and are singing an a capella piece for special music and the pastor requested a particular hymn - yesterday - be sung. Yikes!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh hehehe lol ^_^.....this kitten is wound up like a jack-in-the-box!!! I had forgotten how boingee, boingee little boy kitties were!!
I was laying on the couch with my hand hanging down and he kept leaping out from under the couch to tag my hand, then backing up under the couch so fast it truly looked like he was attached to a bungee cord!! sometimes he jumps and flips like he has a bed-spring on his rump or feet.
I can't stop laughing!!!!
there goes the bouncing Dogwood again!! flip...swoop...hehehe...oh my... lol ^_^
I'm for sure not letting him know my DG name. He'd get me for sure!!

~~BB~aka~Sheri~~ ^_^

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Teeheehee. Are little boy kitties different from little girl kitties? I know later in life they can be different, but even now, they're different? Happy you're having fun!

Midland City, AL

So-o-o, the snake wall project was one of those 10% moments?

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

This is Kay, your laughing reporter, signing off for the week. Next week stories include the BEAUTIFUL and COMPLETED snake wall. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program, the continuing saga of Dogwood meets Elvis. Has it happened yet?

A big raspberry for Jim that didn’t come from the garden. Hugs for everyone else.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

You guys are funny.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

P.S. Were you able to pull it all off at church this morning, Carrie?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, it was great! Scary and stressful, but we were fabulous! Thanks for asking, Kay.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

What? fire ants again?? and in MA even!

Yes, Kay, they met briefly this morning and Elvis would not look at the kitty or come near it when I called him. Now this is his "guilty tell". If he's been messing in the trash and I pick the food wrapper, etc up and show it to him, the way I can tell who did the deed is that he will not look at it or me and will slink to his kennel if he can get past me. thinks Elvis is the reason Dogwood climbed to the top of the dogwood tree.

Midland City, AL

O.o Good one BirdieBlue

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Well I just couldn't resist...given the recent conversations...However..................I do hope no one was offended by my quick jump for humor and play on words.......I indeed do hope that Carrie and her family pulled off an great performance and meant no disrespect...........(face red, but silly grin still shows!)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

No offense taken, after all, we're laughing for joy, aren't we?

DH was playing a trombone sonata with DD and got to a particularly rough measure and just sighed and said "oh, God," and then kept on going. LOL.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

OK everybody.....Da Dah....
Presenting..Dogwood!! Freshly plucked from neighbor's Dogwood tree !!
Check out the white eyeliner! What a sweet face!
I'm gonna open a thread to tntroduce him to all of our DG friends.
Coming In the Pets forum........soon!!! ^_^

Thumbnail by BirdieBlue
Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

He looks so at home and comfortable!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

What a cutie.

Midland City, AL

What a interesting color looks like he is a happy cat!:-)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

yes, it does look like Dogwood is smiling, doesn't it. e is very sweet and affectionate. His purr is audible at 4-5 feet! And when he is very happy in my arms or lap he will purr and knead with his front paws as he suckles the end of his tail against my arm or hand or ....just whatever. I think he is very glad that I rescued him from that Dogwood tree!!


Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Just gotta say this Sheri, I glad you saved him too.

Midland City, AL

Hello all I had a fun experience today. I was Mowing in the upper yard and the tree I cut the limbs on last month so I could go under without catching got me, the branch lowered due to the storm branches above shed their dead down on top of it so it lowered. I was going under not paying attention to much and it grabbed my hat off my head I looked back and a branch was wearing it. O.o oh well now we have Cowboy or girl Pines!

This message was edited Jul 28, 2009 9:33 AM

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL I can almost see that, Jim! Glad you're back mowing. (!)

Sheri, I am so happy for you and Dogwood! A match made in heaven, for sure.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

This is Scraps, Remember me? I have been too busy to stop by very often. This never ending construction project is still going on. I see light at the end of tunnel but it seems I can not reach it. The plumber who is a friend of a friend and suppose to be giving us a bargain is working overtime at paying job and we cannot nail him down ( get in touch with or get him over here) I suggested another plumber but it was rejected by the man who can do as any man and go around a corner to pee without a problem. I have to drive a quarter mile on a golf cart or in car every time I go and I go so much it wears me out.hehehe. No time left then for staining wood trimwork and doors etc. He has started on kitchen cabinet layout now so it should not be much longer now. The central air is fantastic when he lets me use it. I am ready to move the bed up there and enjoy the cold air at night. I am so ready to move in so I can get up and out in yard too get started on my landscaping. Have a great day everybody. scraps

Kudzu1 the serpent is cute and I like the pink eyes. Pink on most men is great. My hubs has tan from working outside and I think he looks great. Of course he is a big guy so nobody is going to pick on him for wearing pink. They fear they would get their tails kicked. But he is a gentle bear not a grizzly. gotta run phone call.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hey scraps, of course we remember you, and you've been missed! It stinks, doesn't it, that you can't just ditch the discount plumber and pay top dollar for one who would do the job today or sooner! I've certainly been in exactly that position myself, although it wasn't a plumber....

Midland City, AL

Scraps? Scraps who? LOL. Lady, you would be hard to forget. Especially since Amargia has a “Scraps Garden” simmering on the back burner. They’ve painted the snake a darker green now and planted mondo grass around him. Excuse me, I think it is a she-snake. They named it after some Aztec snake godess. Now that I am beginning to see how they are pulling it all together, it is starting to grow on me. At least, I don’t absolutely hate it any more. Post a pic, if it ever stops raining.

I’m being given a hard time today about trying to do repairs myself, instead of calling a professional. A man who needs a cane to walk, should not try to do work that involves climbing a ladder. I will remember that in future. My back will not let me forget it any time soon.

Carrie, Kay is working on composing her “I Hate Ants” song. This summer it is all about a café for aardvarks (anteaters) The rain drives them up into the refuge of the raised beds so she got bit a few times today. My dearly beloved may be clever with words, but her singing totally destroys that stereotype about all blind people having musical talent. Doesn’t stop her from singing though.

Birdie, Amy just caught a glimpse of Dogwood on the computer screen and noted Catherine is absent. Something tells me I will be making a trip to the animal shelter a little sooner than I had planned. Dogwood’s pic would make a cool screen saver.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Between 6 weeks on Prozac and 1.5 weeks with Dogwood My life is very full of joy. Dogwood however has entered what might be termed the terrible 2's or the teenage wildcat period He is all over everything and fights even his shadow . It is rather hilarious unless my skin happens to be on the receiving end of his furor. The other 2 cats just look at him perplexed unless he gets to close then they give a low warning sound, halfway between a growland a moan. Elvis no longer chases Dogwood (although I would not trust him unchaperoned), he actually walked up to Dogwood, nose to nose, and sniffed as if to "love the kitty". Ahh to be the animal farm mom!
Now can someone tell me just how long this feline adolescence lasts?

Laughing alot til my sides ache,
Sheri ^_^
and Elvis, Sara, Marley and Dogwood

after about 2 hours of play he will finally rest!

Thumbnail by BirdieBlue
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

edited due to double post...same as above.....oops!

This message was edited Jul 31, 2009 12:28 PM

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Sheri, Wish i could give you some hope it'll soon be over but DD#2, Vonne says it lasts awhile. Mines going thru that too. She loves to wait on the back of a chair and jumps on me as i go by hanging on for dear life.
Dillen gets up and goes outside when she goes near. Cricket gets an instant sneer on her face. and i've got scratches all over. Kittykat will suddenly go from mean too ultra sweet and purr and snuggle up in my arms and kiss my nose. She also loves to watch me work around the kitchen. Her eyes don't miss anything. This cat will never be a stately dignified cat but i hope she outgrows the cat attacks.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

How many cats do you have Vickie? I'm back to 3 now and 1 Poodle (which is of course not a dog, but rather a breed of person with hair all over) ^_^


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