What's blooming today

Delaware, OH

thanks wickerparker.

hey goldf, love that pink fantasy. love it . looks great. mine are too small to post, not even blooming yet, first year. hope they come on like this.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thank you both! One thing I like about Pink Fantasy is that it blooms from top to bottom, unlike some that just like to bloom toward the top.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Gold..How yummy..I must seriously consider getting "Pink Fantasy" after seeing yours!!..Thanks for sharing..Jeanne

Appleton, WI

I might have posted this in another thread, or maybe I didn't finish the post and just deleted it, but Debbie at SSV said that Hagley Hybrid is a better preforming clem. While that may be true, there is something special about Pink Fantasy.

Goldfinch - if I didn't say it before, that is a stunning Pink Fantasy.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks Jeanne and JJ!

Hagley Hybrid is on my want list for next year, but Pink Fantasy has always done good for me.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Will Goodwin. Very pretty one, but another that seems to get wilt every year for me.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Niobe, who is blooming much later than usual this year.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Delaware, OH

will goodwin is very wilty and hard to grow. i just put another one in, over the last 8 years i have killed 2 but am still trying. had a few blooms one year on one,and i loved them. i have placed this one near a established john warren, who i am hoping wil coach will goodwin into surviving and thriving.

(Zone 4a)

The pink fantasy is gorgeous....I don't see too much of that one around....very pretty pink!

Harleysville, PA

I just bought a Will Goodwin. Its next to my Jackmanii. I ordered two more Jackmanii for a white arbor swing with Pink Dream Waever climbing rose. Here was my 2 year old Jackmanii that I planted with my Blaze Rose this year. Hoping Jack looks good with Dream Weaver also..I love how fast he grew!! Should I cut him back next spring? What will that do to Jackmanii the clematis??

Thumbnail by jess2132000
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

My first flower on Alice Fisk - a new one for me this year.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Appleton, WI

Carnaby fades badly and was tortured by insects this year. I was going to cut it back hard unitl I saw these blooms-- notice the outside white margin is missing.

Thumbnail by JuliaJayne
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

My Carnaby flowers that bloomed a little later also looked quite different than the first ones. It seems to be a favorite on the bug buffet at my house too.

Appleton, WI

I must get some Bayer 3 in 1 -- maybe that will help with the bugs.

This morning the blooms are more open, and the blooms above are closer to normal. Clematis never cease to amaze me.

Thumbnail by JuliaJayne
Delaware, OH

all, yes the bright color and the bi color attract the bugs , just like they attract our eye! bayer three in one will help. jj i do not drench the plant with the 3 in 1 , i spray it on the ground covers, mulch and surrounding shrubs. some gets on the clem by nature of this, but have never had it do harm.
if a clem was so infested that it needed to be sprayed/drenched all over, i would probably just cut it down as it would probably be pretty ugly.

leaving here for 6 days tomorrow, have a good plan for watering, in fact stepped it up to every other day vs the 2 times i was planning, due to weather forecast of 88 tomorrow and dry dry dry. there is some cloud cover expected, which will help. my clems usuallly get deep water more like every 3 days in the hottest weather, but as i will not be here to judge condition i am taking the wet side of risk.

as for bugs, they have stayed off the clems pretty well, lots else for them to . planning to use 3 in one tonight as somewhat of a help to the situation while i am gone.

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