Sheep manure compost & raspberries?

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Hello all... I'm usually hanging out on the SW Gardening Forum and the Rocky Mountain Forum (becasue I lived in AZ for 16 years moved to SW Colorado last October)... and, I have never grown any fruits before, so I have some questions that I'm hoping you experts can help me with.

DH and I purchased (from a local grower) raspberries, black raspberries, golden raspberries, and blackberries. DH planted them as instructed, stretching out the roots horizontally and not too deep. My bright idea was (going with what works for me with the flowers) to fill the trenches they were planted in with compost. Haven't started our compost bin yet, so I bought some sheep manure compost, and the roots are basically planted in that. All of the plants are now looking quite unhappy... curled leaves. Could they be burning from the compost? I would have thought that because the sheep manure is composted, it wouldn't be too hot, but I don't know. I'd hate to lose all of these plants... they were quite healthy when we bought them.

Any thoughts or advice?

Thank you in advance...


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

The current recommendation by .edus is to plant in the native soil and top dress with the compost or mulch. Manure, even composted, will burn. How long has it been since you planted the vines?

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

About 9 - 10 days...

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