Photo by Melody

Morning Glories: Morning Glories 2014 #16, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Morning Glories 2014 #16
joeswife wrote:
Hi you guys, I see some really pretty blooms there, Helena. Love them. Jackie I tried the Hamelia
Patens, but never could get sprouts, and wouldn't know one from a weed at this point.
I still have red salvia blooming, outside, and marigolds, and mums, but everything else is done.
The basement gardens are loaded with colors, and I saw three mg blooms, but didn't have my camera and was on way to work anyway, if I have some blooming this weekend, My daughter
will help me get things a little more organized with strings, trellis and nets, been getting 5 green beans a week so far off one plant, just enough to feed to the goldfish, large moon snails and the turtles.
Can't wait for vacation, until then it is barely light in the am when I leave and very dark when I come home, and am so tired after being down in my back for two weeks of pain, finally painfree and trying NOT to do anything normal, like moving pots that weigh 100 lbs or something .
I feel like an invalid the way everyone watches me like a hawk now.
I have seeds of these things if anyone wants any.. GiANT Hyssop, two toned fuchia 4 o clock,
north fence mix number 1, red star hibiscus, and these I have never seen bloom, are tubers, and willing to send away so someone can tell me what they are.