Photo by Melody

Bulbs: Tiger Lily Care, 3 by hcmcdole

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Photo of Tiger Lily Care
hcmcdole wrote:
The black berries are actually bulbils.

You can plant the bulbils (drop them is what I do because that is what nature would do - see the 3rd picture which shows plants coming up from fallen bulbils from last 2 years) wherever you want to, give them away, or discard them. Each will produce a mature plant in a few years. I have many lilies coming up around the pot the mother plants are in. Now I throw the bulbils around the backyard where I want them to come up.

Do not cut your stems down until they have dropped all their leaves and are still green. They are putting energy back into the bulb for next year's growth and blooms.

You do not have to mulch tiger lilies since they are very hardy.