Photo by Melody

Water Gardening: I use discarded panty hose to hold soil in, in the water., 2 by shortleaf

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Photo of I use discarded panty hose to hold soil in, in the water.
shortleaf wrote:
Fabric pots? No, just regular black plastic nursery pots usually, I cut them down to about half the height, which looks best in my fountain. I'm not familiar with a fabric pot.
Yeah, in the fountain, most of the tops of pots are out of the water. Keeping the soil from coming out of the top would be the problem from totally submerging a pot. The only way that I can see to keep that down, (which would probably affect new shoots or sprouts from growing) is to intricately work the panty hose in a sort of painstaking way around all the stems of the existing plants in the pot, and securing it along the way with safety clips or something. Doing that weaving wouldn't be real terrible because the "legs" of the hose can be used in that manner too and that'd be fairly easy, when your done just tie them together and cut off the excess.

I recently looked at the Japanese Water Iris that I did with this panty hose, last year, and the smallest roots are growing thru the hose, so it's apparently not restricting all the roots.
The water I've noticed has staying surprisingly clear with the Iris, I think alot of the surface of the pot is not soil but part of the plant, which wouldn't dirty up the water anyway, (depending on size and type of plant there I suppose).
Along the edges like that would probably be worth it, this project is surprisingly easy to do.
One may have to thread fishing line or something thru the hose and fixed to the land to keep a pot from falling over.
SongsofJoy had a good idea! The hose must be durable, I haven't seen any sign of it coming apart or decomposing or anything with the Iris that I did last year. Here is pics of a few of them 2 days ago. -
That would be so neat if it helps at least one person!