Photo by Melody

Water Gardening: A trailing hardy plant in a big 3 tiered fountain?, 2 by shortleaf

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Photo of A trailing hardy plant in a big 3 tiered fountain?
shortleaf wrote:
Those 2 new plants that I got for $2.75 each from Walmart are Arrowhead Vines, they have many common names, African Evergreen is one of them but they say that is a bit of a misnomer or something because it's an american plant or something like that.

They are Syngonium podophyllium 'Butterfly' and 'Maria'
Wikipedia -
Bing - podophyllium&go=&qs=n...

That Red Grass is a nice one. It wouldn't be hardy here but maybe you can have it all year around in LV. -
I have 2 Grasses, the Dwarf Fountain Grass 'Hameln' and a 'Karl Foerster' that I bought for a quarter because it was dying, it is now living but it has a long way to go to look like anything.

The Mosquito Dunk from Elfenqueen came today in the mail, I put half of it in the fountain's base.
I would love to get rid of some mosquitos soon! - pic #1. I hope the Spiderplant baby arrived and in okay condition, I owe you another one, you spent twice as much in postage as I did on you, and you went to the post office too.

Here's the label on one of the new Arrowhead Vine plants - pic #2

Here is the overall fountain again, I have the Purple Sweet Potato Vine sitting on the dry middle bowl. - pic #3.

I saw that Mango Illusion in Plantfiles, pretty plant.
Yes, do take care, Sharon.