Photo by Melody

Water Gardening: A trailing hardy plant in a big 3 tiered fountain?, 0 by shortleaf

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Photo of A trailing hardy plant in a big 3 tiered fountain?
shortleaf wrote:
See? I once had a beautiful little waterpond! - Here it was a couple of years ago and here the spot is now, (2nd pic). That Lilac in the front of it is quite a bit bigger, it's still in the same pot but it is bigger. - In the 3rd photo is the Lilac today in that pot, there's what's left of that Japanese Water Iris from the first photo, (it now has it's own, brown, pot as it's pond was The Hardy Water Lilies from the first photo didn't make it. You can't tell it's a Persimmon tree there, but it has grown considerably even from then, just look at the trunk!
In that first photo you can see the clothes-line pole real good and a Hall's Honeysuckle was there but it was quite small. Today, you can hardly see the pole, the Honeysuckle vine has grown ALOT, (in the 2nd pic)! In the third pic you can see the English Ivy in the fountain real good, (I am counting on them)! In this real short Youtube videoclip, (no talking and only 37 seconds) I made a while back you can see and hear it more. -
My cheap little Harborfreight pump was making that trickle sound!
Oh, and here is that 'President' Cannas, actually, it's now "Cannas" they have multiplied a great deal! - Last pic (the big, red plastic pot)