Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: Sept. - 2012, it's time for Fall, and changing colors o, 3 by shortleaf

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Photo of Sept. - 2012, it's time for Fall, and changing colors o
shortleaf wrote:
Boy, the weather has really taken a change! The heat is gone, the cool is in! It's about 30 degrees cooler than it was 2 or 3 days ago. Pretty soon it will be time to bring in stuff that can't get cold.

Yeah, the hummingbirds here, (at my fake flower anyway) have decided to stay a while. - In the second photo it appears to be looking in the window, maybe it's saying thanks! But, I do need to make more water so it isn't so low for it to get. I got these photos about 20 minutes ago.

I put down some more mulch today, I'm trying to cover up all that nasty black mulch that I put down before. - There is my 2 Emerald Arborvitaes, to quote somebody, I hope they live long and prosper!
There is my old yella wheeled wheelbarrow in action! I don't know why my Banana Basjoos stayed so small this year, but that's one cluster of 3 or 4 in the photo, they aren't dead, but they're small!
Don't forget to water those Emeralds in such hot, dry weather, man I worry like crazy now because the leaves all came off a Weeping Dissected Japanese Maple. I hope it comes back next year or I may be living in a cardboard box! Many other trees and bushes have died because they were too far away to water or something and my friend isn't happy already. I water, and she says, "okay, why didn't you water the dead ones"!
I don't know what to say! I'm just kidding, she wouldn't throw me out I don't think! lol

Thanks on the rocks too, Sally. I proposed today putting dirt, IcePlants and Hens And Chicks in between them, my friend likes that idea too. You can see the rocks a little in the photo with the wheelbarrow up in the top right corner.

This message was edited Sep 14, 2012 8:12 PM