Photo by Melody

Weather: Sept. weather is finally cooling..., 2 by billyporter

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Photo of Sept. weather is finally cooling...
billyporter wrote:
Sunny to partly cloudy. Warm. Winds S at 15 to 25 mph.

It has been non-stop busy for the last couple of months. I've been sleeping in a bit in the mornings, LOL! I am out at DD's a lot, spending the night when her DH is out on a semi run.

We took the Grandsons to Maquokata Caves Saturday and had a good time! The bats have been infected with a White Nose Fungus. It makes them itch, which wakes them up in the winter. They either starve or freeze, trying to find bugs to eat. We had to listen to a small talk from a DNR person and got to pet a long dead bat :o) Then we had to step on a mat soaked with something before we entered and left the park. There is none in Illinois, but it's spread from the east. The caves had water but were supprisingly dry. The bats sleep in the trees in the summer so we didn't see any. It was a great day!

I spent yesterday weeding. We had 1 &7/10'' of rain lately and I'm still thanking God for saving us. Our rivers are almost dry. I think you could walk across all of them without going in over your head. Scary!

Last night I read a book my SIL lent us called ''The Oxford Project.'' There is a town callled Oxford, not far from here. Population in 1984, 693. They photographed 670 of the town's people. 20 years later they re-photographed everyone again. Each person told a bit about their life. All very relaxed and candid. The storied are heartfelt. One little girl ws dropped off because her circus performer parents couldn't care for her any more. She was fostered. Many had died.

The garden is growing again. It's finally cool enough for the green peppers to actually grow. I picked most of them last night. Charlie oiled my kraut stomper andd board so I'll be making sauerkraut tomorrow. Today I hope to finish weeding the bed I was working on.

This must have hatched out here. I saw it on my bedroom screen. Later I ran to my neighbor's to water and it was on her sedum. I ran back and got my camera. It's a Mourning Cloak. I've never had one before!