Photo by Melody

Clematis: Summer clematis chat, 4 by pirl

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Photo of Summer clematis chat
pirl wrote:
Lee - the color for the clematis in question is right for Perle d'Azur but Perle has five sepals, not four. I've never seen the other one you mentioned so maybe that's it. Bijou is compact! It's also lovely.

Marilyn - lucky you having two such beauties still in bloom!

Etelka - I'm so glad you got to see Henryi before the grasshoppers made breakfast of it. Love your photo!

Cathy/Marcia - I was out very early taking photos but walking across the black asphalt driveway was hideous so I came back inside for the day. I can catch up on sorting photos since this is prime Japanese iris week and I've taken almost one thousand photos so far.

I agree with Etelka - stay cool, everyone!

1. A portion of a JI garden.
2. Jackmanii has taken over the stump (now almost invisible) and has reached the green wire planter in the bird platform feeder.
3. The same Jackmanii with the lily, Stunning.
4. Mme. Julia Correvon. I am very pleased with this one and the tremendous growth in just seven or eight months.
5. Henryi surprised me with one new bloom today. Here I thought he was worn out from the fabulous display this year!