Photo by Melody

African Violets and Gesneriads: June pictures and chit chat, 2 by bsimpson1972

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Photo of June pictures and chit chat
bsimpson1972 wrote:
1: This is what happens when Pearcea hypocyrtiflora takes over... LOL There are some other plants in there as well but the Pearcea clearly is the winner...

2: Achimenes erecta 'Tiny Red'. I love these little guys. This is an Achimenes that does very well under lights, stays small and makes tons and tons of itty bitty rhizomes.

3: Niphaea oblonga. Nice foliage and easy to grow from rhizomes.

4: Streptocarpus subg. Streptocarpella 'Boysenberry Delight'. The only kind of Streptocarpus that I'm capable of keeping alive in the long run... LOL