Photo by Melody

Tropical Zone Gardening: Dombeya Seminole, 3 by cestrum_SEQ

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Photo of Dombeya Seminole
cestrum_SEQ wrote:
Hope you don't mind me piggybacking on this old thread but I thought this might be the best place to get some help.

I have two dombeyas: one is an inground seedling grown from seed sold to me as D. burgessiae from a seller in the US. The other is potted, sold to me as a small plant (almost certainly a cutting) as D. cayeuxii from a seller at a local garden festival. They have now both flowered for the first time in our Aussie autumn. I'm wondering if one or both of them is mislabelled.

1. The flowers are very similar, except that the cayeuxii are slightly smaller. I also couldn't detect any scent this morning while the burgessiae still had a very light floral/blossom fragrance when I sniffed it this morning.
2. The leaves are similar in shape but different in size; perhaps this is due to the fact that one has room for its roots to spread and one doesn't? The most important difference though is that they have different textures. Only the burgessiae has a velvety almost cushioned texture, similar to the leaves of certain scented pelargoniums. (The leaves aren't scented.)
3. The plants themselves are different sizes but, once again, growing conditions could account for this.
4. Note that only the two labelled flowers in photo 3 are cayeuxii; the others are burgessiae.

So, any ideas on whether these dombeyas are correctly labelled? I'd have said that the two were identical if it weren't for the texture of the leaves. BTW, I'm not even sure that the burgessiae is in fact a burgessiae because of the paleness of its flowers. Any thoughts on that?