Dombeya Seminole

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey everyone! Im new here to the forums so forgive me if I am asking a question that has been answered.

Just curious if anyone has good info on Dombeya Seminole I just bought one, but the info on the web is not clear. Some sites say it is a dwarf growing 2 - 3 feet and some say up to 15 feet!

I need to plant it but need to make sure Im putting it in a place that will allow it enough room.



hmmm guess I cant come back and add a picture?!

This message was edited Jan 20, 2010 10:38 PM

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Ok I can do this......... :o)

Thumbnail by CindyLynne
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Pretty! I saw it referred to as a tree but mostly as a large shrub, 8' x 8'. I hope someone else knows more.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Welcome Cindy, nice to have you posting on TZG.

I couldn't find that particular Dombeya in my gardening books, so I am not much help! It sure is pretty though, does it have a nice smell when it blooms?

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the welcome!

~~ Blush~~ I bought it thinking it was a hydrangia, the woman at the nursery had no idea what any of the plants there were. I came to the conclusion that it was a dombeya seminole from searching the web. The one drawback and the reason I concluded it is a seminole is that sadly it has no fragrance. The blooms do make up for it though.

The hubs wont be planting it until this weekend so I will keep searching for answers, hopefully someone here has experience with it.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

I have dombeya wallichi so don't know how similar it is to dombeya seminole but they look alot a like. I've heard mine referred to as a tropical hydrangea tree and I keep my lower branches trimmed so that it does form more like a tree.

Thumbnail by phughes
West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Gorgeous phughes!!

This is why I dont think mine is Wallichi which would also lead me to believe niether is yours.......... (I could be wrong, its actually happened before!!) ;o)

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

I had this discussion once before with a DG'er and I can't recall who it was, but he knew the difference between the two. I am thinking he said mine wasn't a seminole, but I just don't know the difference. All I do know is that I'm a pink fanatic and just love the blooms.

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL ...............and thats really all that matters!! I love these pink blooms too!

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Keep your fingers crossed that mine comes back. We hit the low 20's this winter and as you can see from the picture, all is not well. That is it in the very front of the bed--nice and brown.

Thumbnail by phughes
West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh noooooooooooo! I will cross my fingers AND my toes for you!

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL Thanks! It's pretty drab looking in my neck of the woods right now. We don't usually have freezing temp's, but this has been one of those years.

Atenas, Costa Rica

I saw a plant of Dombeya in a park near my town, so I am desperate to get some cuttings from that plant. I really want to get this gorgeous plant. (Flowers pink color). Ia m going to try with some cuttings. Any info about its culture is welcome!

Keaau, HI

The right term for your plant is Dombeya burgessiae 'Seminole'.

It is a small tree that can be trained into a nice bush. It is great for making flowering hedges.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Metros are you referring to mine as being Dombeya burgessiae 'Seminole' ? I think we might have had this discussion before and you corrected me on it.

I love this tree/shrub and sure hope mine will rebound.

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

ahhhh thank you metro,for the correct term for this lovely!! wow it would be some gorgeous hedge!!

Keaau, HI

Hi Phughes, I was referring to CindyLynne's plant as 'Seminole'. I'm not completely sure though; I am trying to find some more references for that.

As your plant does not have pendant flowers, I think it is Dombeya elegans.

The plant which most folks refer to as Dombeya wallichii is actually Dombeya x cayeuxii.

Here is the flowers of Dombeya x cayeuxii.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi Cindy, what a beautiful plant!!!
i just want to welcome you to this forum, i hope you enjoy chatting with everybody here. i am known as "middlin isaac", so i am not one of the people who have been here that long. :-) But i do love this forum, its my favorite!!
i know i speak for everyone when i say, we hope to see you posting!!
take care,

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

thank you so much for the warm welcome Isaac!

I have been getting information from this site for some time and Im so glad I finally found the forums. Everyone has been very friendly and helpful, I think I will like it here too!! =D

HAve a great day!

Xai Xai, Mozambique

You're welcome, Cindy! be seeing you around.

Atenas, Costa Rica

What a surprise! I went to visit The Ark of the Herbs, it is a garden that also sells medicinal herbs. It really has a large collection of these kind of plants. In this place you can also find a collection of tree and ornamentals. So I found two bushes of Dombeya. The manager of this place gave to me some cuttings of this plant. I am happy :)

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Now thats a happy surprise, good luck with the cuttings!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Not sure which one I have, but it is one that survived the Freeze of 2010. It's in bloom and it saves my mind for all the other things that are gone.


West of Brisbane, Australia

Hope you don't mind me piggybacking on this old thread but I thought this might be the best place to get some help.

I have two dombeyas: one is an inground seedling grown from seed sold to me as D. burgessiae from a seller in the US. The other is potted, sold to me as a small plant (almost certainly a cutting) as D. cayeuxii from a seller at a local garden festival. They have now both flowered for the first time in our Aussie autumn. I'm wondering if one or both of them is mislabelled.

1. The flowers are very similar, except that the cayeuxii are slightly smaller. I also couldn't detect any scent this morning while the burgessiae still had a very light floral/blossom fragrance when I sniffed it this morning.
2. The leaves are similar in shape but different in size; perhaps this is due to the fact that one has room for its roots to spread and one doesn't? The most important difference though is that they have different textures. Only the burgessiae has a velvety almost cushioned texture, similar to the leaves of certain scented pelargoniums. (The leaves aren't scented.)
3. The plants themselves are different sizes but, once again, growing conditions could account for this.
4. Note that only the two labelled flowers in photo 3 are cayeuxii; the others are burgessiae.

So, any ideas on whether these dombeyas are correctly labelled? I'd have said that the two were identical if it weren't for the texture of the leaves. BTW, I'm not even sure that the burgessiae is in fact a burgessiae because of the paleness of its flowers. Any thoughts on that?

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Colima, Mexico(Zone 11)

Welcome Cindy...I am not familiar with this plant but looked it up because it is so pretty and interesting. The information i found says that it grows as a bush 6-7 feet wide and can also be trained as a tree that will grow 10 feet with a trunk the "size of a thigh" (they don't say whose thigh). Here is the reference I have the idea that the bush could be pruned to something smaller.

I have a butterfly garden and it is already packed with plants. I would like to add this one but just don't have the space! People really seem to love this plant. One comment was not to plant it close to a door because of all the bees and other nectar lovers it will attract. Sounds like a winner, this plant, good luck with it.

Honomu, HI(Zone 11)

Although this is an older thread, I just found it...

This past December I planted some cuttings I got from a DOMBEYA WALLICHII aka 'Tropical Hydrangea' that are growing wild not too far from where we live. Every time I drove by that section of road I was struck by how gorgeous the flowers were but the ones by the main road are too high and in a dangerous place - by a bridge - to get close to, so we started driving around in the area on the back roads and found a whole stand of them. These bloom usually around mid November to late December.

They smell like buttercream icing!

I'm hoping my cuttings grow, although they seem to be struggling a bit.

Thumbnail by foodiesleuth Thumbnail by foodiesleuth
Keaau, HI

Hi foodiesleuth,

You're plant is Dombeya x cayexii. Which is a hybrid.

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