Photo by Melody

Cannas: Thinking about giving Cannas Away? , 0 by bwilliams

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Image Copyright bwilliams

Subject: Thinking about giving Cannas Away?

Forum: Cannas

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Photo of Thinking about giving Cannas Away?
bwilliams wrote:
I plan to dig up a lot of cannas this year and I have thought about giving a lot of them away. The main problem here is time and work. I have a few workers here and can have them do the bulk of the work. But this would mean paying for the labor and shipping of the plants not really the plants themselves. So I am not sure exactly how long it would take to package them up and ship to different parts of the country let alone the cost for each box. I posted this to see how many people would be interested in this and if it would be worth while. If not I know a few local people who are willing to come by a pick them up.
The cannas are not my top choices in fact a few are down right bad. Most look similar to species. I would be sure to put a few odd balls in with each box but on the most part these are just tall seeding cannas. If this interest enough people and it will not cost me any money I dont mind it. The problems maybe how many I can ship out and getting them out in a timely fashon as this time of the year I have the workers doing a ton of stuff. So it could take sometime to get the rhizomes off.

So if your interested and not extremely picky or can give me slack on shipping when I have the time then this maybe something I can do.