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Michigan Gardening: Have You Started Your Winter Sowing?, 1 by pepsidrinker

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Image Copyright pepsidrinker

In reply to: Have You Started Your Winter Sowing?

Forum: Michigan Gardening

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pepsidrinker wrote:
I want do do some tomatoes to but I am going to wait till later on to start those, I don't have a GH or room in the house to start anything. Thats why when I heard about WSing I jumped on the ban wagon :o) I have alot of garden beds (about 9) that we (dh and I) are going to be doing in the spring, and he also wants to redo in front of the house and our turn around.
I am also putting in a garden bed at our Church (where he Pastors).
I am going to be doing a WSing project with our youth group there. They all seem pretty excited about it and the parents too. The garden bed for the Church will go the whole length on one side around 70' long and its about 5' wide. (Picture below) We are going to purchase 4 or 5 of the big flower pots and plant flowers in them and in between them. I have never done container pots b4, so I am doing some research on what to grow in them... All in all we have our work cut out for us this Spring...
