Cutting has roots - next step?

(Zone 5b)

I put a cutting of a lipstick plant in water (sorry I don't know which kind but the top is green, underside is purplish). The cutting rooted and started growing new leaves, and I'm really excited about it. But now should I pot it, slowly add vermiculite (or ?) to the water and let it slowly adjust, or can I leave it in water indefinitely?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Cheryl!
It's your choice really,but here's what 'd do.:)
I would slowly add some perlite and the potting soil you plan to pot it in to the water it's growing in now. Give it a few weeks and see how it does. Once you feel it has developed plenty of roots then I would go ahead and pot it up.

Sometimes they do fine just switching them over but more times than not,when they only have water roots the cuttings will fail.

Keep us posted and if you can post a pic we'd love to see your new baby!


(Zone 5b)

Thank you!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You're very welcomed...good luck with it.
Please be sure to post a pic we love baby


(Zone 5b)

Here's the "baby" (the longest) and more that I added since it started growing. I add a bit more dirt about once a week. The top 3 sets of leaves are new since I first put it in water.

Thumbnail by Cheryl_IL
(Zone 5b)

And here's my experiment. All except one are more cuttings that I rooted in dirt. They got their roots much faster than the ones that rooted in water. I'm hoping to fill in around the front with more cuttings.

Thumbnail by Cheryl_IL
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

What a nice arrangement! That's going to look lovely when those plants fill out and start trailing all around.... heck, it looks lovely now! Congrats on your success with those water babies... that sounds tricky.

And now I have to ask... what's that plant in the middle? I have a bunch of AVs, but know almost nothing about their cousins!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You did good! Thanks for letting us see the baby.
Yes, sometimes plants root faster by one method than another.
I'd say it's safe to pot your baby up in potting soil and let it grow!
Looks great.

Your arrangement is very creative. I love the pedastal planter.
The Jewel Orchid looks great blooming in the center, too.
Well done!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the ID, MsC! I've never seen an orchid with leaves like that -- gorgeous!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

They are really beautiful in person, the leaves have a velvety feeling to them and the flowers are very tiny orchid type. They are also pretty easy to grow -if you don't over water them like I've


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