Photo by Melody

Wildlife: LITTLE BLESSINGS, 0 by blckwolf256

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Image Copyright blckwolf256


Forum: Wildlife

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blckwolf256 wrote:
My sister in law called me last night...We cut a tree that fell on her fence Saturday, and there was a squirrels nest in it. It had 4 lil babies....well she let her 2 dachshunds sniff 2 of them. Later that day when we were done, I had my hubby put them back on top of the house. He tied the basket we put them in to a vent pipe.
I did not sleep that night, wondering if Mommy squirrel came back to get them. I drove him nuts til we went back to her house to check on them Sunday. Mom was not with them...but they were wiggly(their eyes are not opened yet.) So he moved them down to the privacy fence.
She called me last night to tell me mom took 2 and left 2. So I ran down there and got them.
They are precious. One lil boy and one lil girl. I am worried about the lil girl, she is not eating like the lil boy...but she is eating. So I have something new and exciting to keep me busy every 4 hours for awhile.
My husband did not want me to bring them home. But after a few long discussions about it being a sin to just let them die, without TRYING to help, He gave in.
I found a web site that told all about raising little I went to the vet and got a can of powdered dog milk, and an eye dropper. Boy they learn Real Quick, where the food comes from.
I have no idea how old they are...but I hope they will live and I can let them go here in the yard to live a long and happy life!!!!