Photo by Melody

Beginner Gardening: Please help with begonias., 0 by hcmcdole

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Photo of Please help with begonias.
hcmcdole wrote:
Those are semperflorens (always flowering) begonias. They are commonly known as wax begonias (the look like melted wax in the heat of the day) and are often used as bedding plants. They will need water though to look their best. I see so many of them planted in beds and then left to root hog or die. So during a hot dry spell they will probably die or look like death.

These may be sterile hybrids you have but if the seeds are viable then you might see some pop up next year.

If you had the species type, then you would more than likely see several come up from seed the following year once the ground is warm again. I have a few that come up from seed every year, bloom, set seed, and repeat. I call them weedy begonias but I like that. They are not invasive at all.

Here are a couple of pictures of my \"weedy\" begonia in flower and many seed pods (the seed inside each capsule could be hundreds as the individual seed is like dust). The first two are in dappled shade. The 3rd photo is in hot midday sun alongside succulents, growing in the crack of flagstone, perfectly happy but not as big as the ones in shady areas.