Photo by Melody

Perennials: What\'s Blooming 4, 4 by Loretta_NJ

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Photo of What's Blooming 4
Loretta_NJ wrote:
Birder, that was a tease! No picture of the orchid?

Wee, OMG that is my winter! Everything looks so empty and you forget what\'s there. It\'s worse when you start seeds too. On top of that, doesn\'t it seem that when you do plant up a spot, the old plants that never did nothin\' decide to really take off and hog up the whole spot?

Did Boehmeria \'Kogane Mushi\'. It lived for the season but never came back. I hope this one does better. The flowers, aren\'t really showy at this point, Keith. Maybe if the plant matures? The leaves have a nice texture though.
I grow the Kirengeshoma in a shady, dry spot, but it is not ideal. Because it isn\'t moist, it goes dormant early, just when the flowers start.
1. My new toy - butterfly cube. We got a bumper crop of monarch cats this year. Last year, I did too but they were killed. This year I caught a soldier bug in the act. So I went on Amazon and voila. So far, so good. I think I have about 30 in all different phases. Plus two black swallowtails and a white cabbage butterfly cocoon (?) that just sort of showed up at the bottom of the tent. And even some ladybugs that was on the fennel - hard to tell. Fortunately, I had some aphids on the Heliopsis. They are the dark blob in the center that were orange eggs the day before.