Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Squirrel Pics (& Conversation) Vol. 19, 0 by TexasPuddyPrint

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In reply to: Squirrel Pics (& Conversation) Vol. 19

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Photo of Squirrel Pics (& Conversation) Vol. 19
TexasPuddyPrint wrote:
Howdy y'all! Am excited to have squirrels visit my yard! I've been putting out pecans, peanuts and birdseed but need to know how can I keep the birds from taking the food? I get gobs of sparrows that can eat a 50 lb bag of birdseed in a week! I also get grackles, woodpeckers and great kiskadees that take the peanuts. I don't mind feeding the birds and I do make my own suet cakes mixed with peanut butter, seeds, nuts and berries just for them but they are bottomless!

Soooo. What feeder can I make or buy that the birds won't get into? I tried a long glass tube with food and set it out at an angle but the fat white wing doves get into it send can't get back out!

Here's mama squirrel eating flower seeds and another squirrel higher up the oak looking on.