Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Tea Room 129, 2 by Magpie63

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of Tea Room 129
Magpie63 wrote:
Hi everyone, I am still around but getting tired of our long, hot Brisbane summer and hanging out for cooler weather so I can enjoy time in the garden again. Meantime just keeping plants watered and alive is a challenge. I have even got myself a good campers headlamp so I can do some work in the garden in the evenings when it is a little cooler. Also got some good mossie spray as I am one of those people who don't feel or react to bites so don't know if I am being bitten. It is called Bushmans and it smells way better than some of the cheaper ones I've used before too. Jean you are doing well with your palette knife skills, I would never be able to do anything as detailed as the scene you've done with one. I agree with the comments about stores that should not sell plants and my local Aldi is another one. I don't know how they manage to make their plants look so sick so quickly. Your lilies are very beautiful Anthony and I hope your doldrums don't last too long, I know how that can feel. My adenium (desert rose) seed pod finally split yesterday so I have heaps of lovely fresh seed to plant. Good thing I had a pantyhose sleeve over the pod or they would have all sailed away. A brush turkey chick has moved into my garden and taken up residence for the past week. I am thinking that cute as it is too keep meeting up with it in my garden it is already very destructive and as yet it only has small feet. It keeps digging through the mulch around my plants and leaving them with their roots exposed. I know it's only looking for insects and worms but I am now getting worried about it staying. Any suggestions anyone?