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Greenhouse: Advice on purchasing a new greenhouse, 0 by Nanny23

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Photo of Advice on purchasing a new greenhouse
Nanny23 wrote:
I purchased a kit greenhouse 8X24 Snap&Grow with Aluminum frame from Palram about 4 years ago and though I like the look of it and it has been very sturdy, I think if I had to do over I would build one. Mainly because the polycarbonate covering on this one is single wall. I love the crystal clear factor but I had to insulate it because of our cold winters here. You can see the insulation in the pictures. Also I need a bigger greenhouse. The heat loss in a greenhouse is HUGE. Another factor to consider. Also ventilation to minimize heat buildup, it gets extremely hot in a greenhouse on a sunny day easily over 100* in the winter., as much as 120* in the Summer. You may have considered all these factors already. I am just sharing my experience as a new greenhouse owner. Until I actually had it up and running, I was pretty clueless. lol I am no expert, but I have learned a lot in the past 4 years, about greenhouse basics.
It sounds like you have chosen a good size for a greenhouse. Your heater sounds adequate. I wish my greenhouse was that big. I am not familiar with the brand you are considering. I would make sure that the structure will allow you to hang baskets. I ended up having a rack built inside mine so the roof wouldn't be under so much stress from the weight of the baskets. A friend of mine fabricated it from metal electrical conduit and attached it to the side supports of the greenhouse, to reduce the strain on the roof. I think whichever model kit one chooses, there are always improvements to be made that suit one's particular needs. I would make sure that the construction materials and type allow flexibility to add your own accesories as you need. Good luck with whatever you choose. I really enjoy having a greenhouse , but it is a labor of love.