Photo by Melody

Mid-South Gardening: February means hearts and flowers!, 0 by Riverland

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Photo of February means hearts and flowers!
Riverland wrote:
Hey everyone just checking in still no internet other than Jimbos phone as a hot spot. I try not to overuse it too much. I am glad to hear everyone has transitioned to the New Year ok.
We can't seem to get over the after effects of the Flu. I guess that comes from being old. ha Ha
We just keep giving it back and forth to each other. The whole family has been sick.

Charlotte I am so concerned about you and Richard. I really think of you all the time. I do not know how you cope with all of itand still get all the things accomplished that you do.

Sandra I am glad things are going well for Cayla and Mrs Mills. Hope to see you the week you keep Eli. I really need some buddy time. I am going to my Sister in laws and spend a week of just girl time.

Charlotte I am with you I will not be without my trash compactor. I even bought a freestanding one at an auction. I thought I would use it out in the shop but I keep forgetting it is there. I would really like it at the camp . The bags have gotten so expensive though that we have started ordering the whirlpool bags online at Amazon. Sears is the only one locally that carries the paper bags anymore. I really do not like the plastic not as strong and won't stay put for me.

Sorry Jeri that you are with out yours. Hope Mary is doing well these days.

Daffs are blooming here and camillas ( in other peoples yards) . It has been so dreary everyday
I need sunshine and warm temps. Hope y'all are getting som.
Elaine catalogs can get us thru until the real deal is here. I bought some lilies at Home Depot but haven't put them in the ground yet. I need to find someplace to buy a lot of eptam or some type of weed preventer to throw in my beds to keep seeds from spouting. I have one bed that cypress vine took over last year. The birds plant a lot of things here. I need several 50 lb bags. I really don't like doing the chemicals but nothing else has worked.
This is a pic of stolen camillas. There is an empty lot behind the hardware store and I stopped and cut some blooms. The other one is Ella getting bloodied after killing her first deer.