Photo by Melody

Mid-South Gardening: February means hearts and flowers!, 0 by marsue

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Image Copyright marsue

Subject: February means hearts and flowers!

Forum: Mid-South Gardening

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Photo of February means hearts and flowers!
marsue wrote:
It's time once again for a new thread. Welcome to February!

We came from here:

Yesterday, Jan. 31st, was Sandra's birthday. I wished her a happy birthday on FB but did not make it over here to DG until today. She said on another forum that she and Jerry were both under the weather. Maybe you will be able to get out and celebrate in a few days, Sandra. You can plan a double celebration for Valentine's Day! :D

Some of you are talking about daffodils, etc., beginning to poke their heads up out of the ground. Not so up here in the Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri. We are at least two to three weeks behind you folks in central Arkansas and further behind than that for you Louisiana gardeners.
I pretty much have my flower beds established up here now and there is not much to do in them except to watch and see if all of the perennials come back. I have decided to have a larger vegetable bed this season. Last year we just planted tomatoes, bell peppers, squash and green beans. The tomatoes just did so-so but the bell peppers and green beans really did well. The squash started out really good but the squash bugs got to them and we really didn't get any squash to speak of. :( I don't like to use pesticides but this year I may have to resort to sevin dust if I plant any squash. I will be getting my seeds from Baker Creek Heritage Seed. I could order the seeds online but since they are located only about an hour from us, we will probably go over there in March or early April. They have an open house the first Sunday of every month from March through November and have craft vendors as well as their assortment of seeds to sell. They have an old-time "village" with little shops and a vegan cafe. Last year we ate there and they had a wonderful vegetable soup. They don't charge a set fee for the meals--it is by donation only. You decide what you think the meal was worth to you and drop the donation in a can. It's a really neat place. They have a really big festival the first Sunday and Monday in May and again in October each year. Literally thousands of people turn out for those two big festivals.

Karen: sorry about your injury. I hope it heals soon and you can get back to your normal routine. I'm sure it is very frustrating not to be able to do what you want to do.

Here's a valentine graphic for you folks: