Photo by Melody

Comments regarding My Pet Chicken

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80 positives
1 neutral
10 negatives


Neutral petunias212
(1 review)
On Mar 2, 2011, petunias212 Kansas City, MO wrote:

I've placed orders with My Pet Chicken and their chicks are wonderful..they really are..very friendly and no DOA's - EVER! My only issue with them is their change fee policy. They charge $10 for any changes you make to your order - that in itself is not the problem..but they fail to let customers know that they regard a change, anything that they are able to do on their let's say you want to add a chick or two to your order and the chicks are available - that's the point they consider the change doesn't matter if something on the customer side prevents them from completing the change such as a declined credit card..the $10 change fee is still applicable...this happened to a consumer, I was always under the impression that a change is complete when the payment is successful...but not so with My Pet long as they can do the change you are requesting, this to them is a successful change and you are responsible for this charge..I feel they should make this clear on their website...