Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Everwilde Farms, Inc.

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48 positives
2 neutrals
1 negative


Neutral IndianaOhio
(3 reviews)
On Jan 19, 2018, IndianaOhio Bath, IN wrote:

Posted on March 27, 2017, updated January 20, 2018
I ordered some seed and was impressed with the pricing and the speed. The packaging is fancy as well.

The reason I'm giving this a neutral is that I don't see anything on their website that says they're not using neonicotinoid pesticides. Those are linked to bee illnesses.

People promoting "neonics" often use fallacious arguments, like about whether or not the neonics kill the bees outright. That's hardly the only issue. Weakened immune systems. Flight confusion. Etc.

I am not at all looking forward to spending the money, time, and effort to make a meadow if it's going to harml the insects I'm making the meadow for! Please, all wildflower companies, put out a statement that says no neonics, one that we can trust. It will make life for the conscientious consumer much easier.

On January 19th, 2018, IndianaOhio added the following:

Some of the seed I ordered turned out to be years old. Judging by what I read it seems that they have quite old stock from when the business was under previous management. Even with mylar packaging I'm not sure the seeds are going to be fresh enough to be viable for some species. I would ask them to provide a photograph of the date of collection/storage for anything if I were you. One species I ordered a pound of, for instance, had seed that looked visually old compared to the same species I ordered from another company (which reported, on the bag, a germination rate of 23%! — a fact not mentioned on their website). Businesses really should do what Sheffield's does and post the date of collection for each species they sell. Some other companies also tell you when the harvest was but many don't put it online. They just tell you informally which could be true and may not be.
On Jan 19, 2018, Everwilde Farms, Inc. responded with:

"On Jan 20, 2018 5:54 PM, Everwilde Farms, Inc. responded with:

I saw this post, and needed to clarify a few things.

I am not sure what is meant by "visually old" seed, but please know that the seeds that we sell are not old or low quality. I am assuming that the 23% germination rate was on the seeds from the other company because I just checked our database, and all of our seed lots test much higher than this. If we had a lot that tested at 23% germ, it would be pulled from our stock and disposed of. We are regularly inspected by the USDA to ensure that we are selling good seeds.

The other item that I wanted to clarify is that Everwilde Farms is not under new management. We started this company about 20 years ago, and are still very involved in the daily operations and decisions.

We truly hope that the seeds that you purchased from us perform well for you! If you have issues germinating them, please get in touch with us, and we would be happy to help you out.


Neutral ericb
(7 reviews)
On Jan 18, 2014, ericb Yadkinville, NC wrote:

I planned out my order before realizing how high the shipping charges would be. I was far enough along I went with it anyway, but the shipping charges are so high (nearly 30% of my subtotal on an order with 12 items) I'll probably try to avoid Everwilde in the future. I don't know if the shipping charges were so high last year -- this is my second year ordering from them -- or if I just didn't pay attention to the shipping charges last year. Extraordinarily high shipping charges are my only complaint.