Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Lewis Bamboo Groves

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18 positives
1 neutral
3 negatives


Neutral gsteinbe
(20 reviews)
On Jun 16, 2011, gsteinbe Trenton, NJ wrote:

Posted on June 17, 2011, updated June 17, 2011
I wanted to order River Cane (Arundinaria) and called Lewis Bamboo. The woman I spoke to was a bit pushy. She quickly informed me that Lewis Bamboo did not have Arundinaria available (despite the fact that it was on their website) and then tried to persuade me that Arundinaria is ugly and I should order something else. I really didn't like the feeling of being told that I shouldn't want what I wanted and should instead want to buy something -- anything -- else from Lewis Bamboo. Because I never actually placed an order, I can't speak to the quality of their bamboo or their customer support. But first impressions are often important, and I got a bad one here.

On June 16th, 2011, gsteinbe added the following:

I should have specified that all this happened last summer or fall -- nearly a year ago.