Latin Lookup

Species within the genus "Eleusine"

FamilyGenusSpeciesCommon NameMore Info
Poaceae Eleusine africana Eleusine coracana ssp. africana
Poaceae Eleusine coracana African finger millet PF
Poaceae Eleusine coracana finger millet PF
Poaceae Eleusine Gaertn. goosegrass
Poaceae Eleusine indica Eleusine coracana ssp. africana PF
Poaceae Eleusine indica Indian goosegrass PF
Poaceae Eleusine racemosa Acrachne racemosa
Poaceae Eleusine radulans Dactyloctenium radulans
Poaceae Eleusine tristachya threespike goosegrass

More Info Legend:

PF = This entry exists in PlantFiles.

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