Latin Lookup

Species within the genus "Cyathea"

FamilyGenusSpeciesCommon NameMore Info
Cyatheaceae Cyathea andina parrotfeather treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea aquilina Cyathea parvula
Cyatheaceae Cyathea arborea West Indian treefern PF
Cyatheaceae Cyathea armata creeping treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea borinquena birdwing treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea brittoniana Cyathea tenera
Cyatheaceae Cyathea brooksii Alsophila brooksii
Cyatheaceae Cyathea bryophila Alsophila bryophila
Cyatheaceae Cyathea cooperi Cooper's cyathea
Cyatheaceae Cyathea dryopteroides Alsophila amintae
Cyatheaceae Cyathea escuquensis Cyathea andina
Cyatheaceae Cyathea furfuracea Jamaican treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea horrida Cnemidaria horrida PF
Cyatheaceae Cyathea parvula small treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea portoricensis Alsophila portoricensis
Cyatheaceae Cyathea pungens spiny treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea Sm. treefern
Cyatheaceae Cyathea tenera helecho gigante PF

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PF = This entry exists in PlantFiles.

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