Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items wanted by trudybb

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Duranta erecta

white flowers
'Alba' Seeds, Plants, Cuttings
Golden Dewdrop
Duranta erecta

Love the variegated leaves. I'd like a small starter plant with roots or 5 cuttings to root.
'Snow Flurry' Plants, Cuttings
Hibiscus syriacus

If cuttings please can you send at least 4 so my chances of rooting one are higher. I will pay postage to get your cuttings or trade.
'Blueberry Smoothie' Plants, Cuttings
Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus

I'd want 4 or 5 cuttings to try to root to at least get one start. I can trade or pay postage to get them to me.
'Boule de Feu' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Hibiscus Syriacus
'French Caberet' syriancus hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) - I'd like fresh cuttings & will pay postage if you'll share cuttings. Thanks
Plants, Cuttings

Hibiscus syriacus
I don't think they make viable seeds so I'd want a small rooted plant or 4 fresh cut 8" branch tips to root. I will trade or pay postage.
'Blue Bird' Plants

tradescantia wandering Jew
Wandering Jew with 'Pink' marks. I have Purple Heart & Zebrina.
Ziziphus jujuba

A rooted small plant of any cultivar would be appreciated. I was raised to candy them like dates so a type with more flesh & smaller seeds is most important as is a variety that stays under 15' since I have a small yard.
'Lang' Plants


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