Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from trudybb

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

African violet St. Paulia
A trailing variety with cobalt blue flowers. Starter plants $3 + $5 postage Available May 1, 2020 Or mix 5 varieties for $20 includes postage.
'Cajun's McKenna Trail' Plants

African violet St. Paulia
5 month old plant started over Winter available May 1, 2020. This is a variegated trailing variety. Trade or sell for $4 plus $5 shipping. I have other varieties & will sell a mix on of 5 for $20 includes shipping.
'Ramblin' Amethyst' Plants

African violet St. Paulia
Burgundy Red flower, standard variety . 1 starter 5 month baby available May1, 2020 $3 + $5 postgae or mix 5 for $20 includes postage.
'Tomahawk' Plants

African violet St.Paulia
Young 5 month old Trailing variety with girl leaves available May 1, 2020 (each $3 + $5 postage). or 5 mixed trailers for $20 includes postage
'Jersey Girl' Plants

African violetSt. Paulia African violet
5 month old starter babies available May 1, 2020. $3 + $5 postage or mix 5 for $20 includes postage
'Rob's Vanilla Trail' Plants

Begonia grandis
Hardy Begonia that reseeds to return each Spring. Pale pink flowers almost look white from a distance. A great plant that spreads gently & is never a pest.

Chamaecereus silvestrii
Makes a pot full of different length 'peanuts' to about 12" long eventually & makes red flowers in Spring. It's an echinopsis succulent.
'Peanut Cactus' Plants, Cuttings
Veldt Grape
Cissus quadrangularis

As a succulent cuttings root just by laying on soil. Does best in a hanging basket getting 4' in 1 year. Medicinal
Plants, Cuttings
Curcuma Species
Curcuma longa

This plant grows neat 3' light green broad leaves. As the name implies tucked in the leaves is a pretty pineapple shaped 6"- 8" flower that has shades of pink, yellow & purple. The leaves die to the ground in Winter but return in Spring from the hand shaped roots I'm offering.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Curcuma Species
Curcuma petiolata

THIS IS THE SAME PLANT AS LISTING ABOVE. This picture doesn't look like mine. Refer to the other pictures on the search record. It's a beautiful 8" flower that's purple, yellow & pale pink colored. As a cut flower it last several days in a vase.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Desert Ruellia
Purple Dwarf ruellia stays under 10". I don't know why it's called Blue but is a pretty purple like the well known 3' tall variety. I send about 15 tiny seeds.
'Katie Blue' Seeds

Desert Ruellia
Dwarf to 8" blooms all Summer. Perennial & returns from dropped tiny seeds. 15 tiny tiny seeds per trade or $2 includes postage
'Snow white' Seeds

Episcia Episcia
Lil Lemon
Alice's Aussie
Pink Panther
Pink Dreams
Silver Skies
Will sell or trade for other varieties
Hardy Hibiscus
Hibiscus moscheutos

2 plants in front flowerbed by house.
'Kopper King' Plants
Hibiscus syriacus

Starter rooted 6" to 8" plants ready April 1, 2020 to trade or will sell for $7 includes postage.
'Lucy' Plants

Hyacinth Bean
Hyacinth Bean Vine - I send 7 seeds of this pretty white flower vine.
'Alba' Seeds
Indigofera Species
Indigofera decora

Mine are evergreen (zone 9) with pale pink 6" racemes of flowers all summer. They prefer part sun but take full sun. No bug or disease bothers them. Very spinely & wispy.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Justicia Species
Justicia fulvicoma

Called 'Mexican Plume' mine have red & orange flower cones. There are better pictures in the file that show the colorful cone. Look it up. I have several 6" rooted plants to trade or for postage & take 3 cuttings if you rather.
Plants, Cuttings
Justicia Species
Justicia spicigera

Came labeled 'Mexican Honeysuckle'. Has fuzzy leaves. I have 3 rooted starter plants or I send 3 fresh cuttings that root easily, your choice.
Plants, Cuttings
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi

Really pretty succulent that has 2" to 3" oval leaves that are blue green with cream and pink mottled marks on the scalloped edges. More sun seems to deepen these colors. Easy to grow in a pot or rock garden. Stems of pink bell shaped flowers form in Feb. - March.
'Marginata' Cuttings
Lycoris Species

Red Spider Lily - Lycoris radiata
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Lycoris Albiflora Lycoris Albiflora
Unusual Creamy White Spider Lily like well known Red. March 2020 I'm offering 5 bulbs for $15 includes postage. I have only 3 orders so they'll go fast so get back soon.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

I rooted cuttings over Winter & have several 6" to 8" plants of this hard to find variety for sale $7 includes postage.
'Variegata' Plants
Malvaviscus Species
Malvaviscus penduliflorus

I have Red, White & also Rosea (pale pink). I'm offering cuttings but from time to time I have rooted plants to trade.
Plants, Cuttings
Monstera obliqua

Leaves get 6" with about 6 holes. Nice house or patio plant. Roots easily & can grow in water.
'Leichtlinii' Cuttings
Opuntia Species
Opuntia monacantha var. variegata

Variegated Prickly Pear Cactus. Mine has stayed small (24"x 10") in a 10" pot from 1 pad in 2 years & no flowers yet. It has made about 25 small pads in all directions & has minimal spines. It's unusual & a conversation starter. I send 2 smaller unrooted pads or if available 1 rooted with 1 unrooted pad.

No 2 leaves alike. Marbling on dark green heart shaped leaves is contrasting yellowish. I only have 2 starter rooted plants I made over Winter. This does grow well in water.
'Brasil' Plants

I have only 1 rooted 6" plant from cuttings from Sept.
This is a nice house or patio plant that vines but not aggressive. Dark green leaves sprout on reddish stems.
'Red Emerald' Plants

'Old Blush' China rose. I take 5 fresh cutting when you want to try to root it. Let me know what you have to trade - NOT ROSES. Look at my WANT list.

3' tall Pink Ruellia that returns from roots & fallen seeds. Freezes kill them back for some control. Lovely growing mixed with Purple ones.
'Chi Chi' Seeds
African Violet

Received a starter plant June 26,2020
'Optimara Friendship' Plants
Sansevieria trifasciata

Stays short & gets wide. Great little house plant. Only one small 4" plant left (1-1-20)
'Hahnii' Plants
Sedum rupestre

Golden yellow flowers cover the whole plant in April - May. What a sight when it's a ground cover in large areas. The rest of the year it's chartreuse color stands out, too.
'Angelina' Plants
Strophocactus Species
Selenicereus testudo

Succulent known as 'Dog Tail' Cactus. Mine has fuzzy spines that aren't very sticky or thorny. It grows relatively fast & fills pots in about 1 year. This picture is not it, so look up name to see other pictures.
Plants, Cuttings
Senna Species
Senna bicapsularis

Also known as Golden Cassia. Mine blooms 3 times a year: early Spring, mid Summer & late Fall in zone 9. It's gotten 8' but I trim it after the summer blooms to keep it a 6' bushier plant. It's an evergreen, wispy plant that benefits from staking if in a windy area.
Seeds, Plants

Spider plant
'Bonnie is a curly variety. Variegated Airplane / Spider Plant - They have roots & are ready for potting to grow indoors thru Winter as a house plant then outdoors when warm days come.
'Bonnie' Plants
Tradescantia Species
Tradescantia pallida

Can be a pretty house plant or in a hanging basket in a bright light / dappled sun area. Easy to grow. Takes zone 9 full sun & drought tolerant. Freezes down but returns from deep roots in Spring 70* temps.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Tradescantia Species
Tradescantia zebrina

So pretty as a ground cover in a dappled sun area or hanging basket indoors or out. Great beginner plant. Spreads fast & great color glistens.
Plants, Cuttings Image


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