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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Papaver Species
Papaver rhoeas

Flanders poppy likely the inspiration for the 1918 poem, "In Flanders Fields," written by John McCrae about the war dead buried at Flanders.

Re-seeding annual that will bloom in Spring to early Summer. Easy both to naturalize and to pull out seedlings in spring.

Any cultivar/species. Tropical plant for indoors, with wild bloom.
Pennisetum orientale
'Karley Rose' Seeds, Plants
Penstemon digitalis

Nice dark foliage when emerging, light-colored tall flower stalks, and works in part shade.
'Husker's Red' Plants
Pieris japonica

var. yakushimanum 'Prelude'
True dwarf Andromeda
'Prelude' Plants
Mugo Pine
Pinus mugo

Iseli nursery cultivar. Grows 1-2 feet in 10 years.
'Slowmound' Plants
Japanese Flowering Apricot
Prunus mume

Chinese plum = Japanese apricot
late winter blooming
wants full sun, but happy as an understory tree
also used in Bonsai
Prunus x cistena

Purple-leaved, saw them being planted along Newton's Comm Ave work.

Problem: they really want full sun site.

H 8-10', W 5-6'
Dwarf Rhododendron
'Snow Lady' Plants
Rhododendron Species
Rhododendron impeditum

Dwarf form 2' W x 1' H, good in shade
Rhododendron obtusum

Rhododendron (azalea) Hinode-giri (Hinodegiri)
Spring Hill Nursery
2-3' x 2-3' covered with rose-crimson flowers
'Hinodegiri' Plants
Hybrid Perpetual Rose

Heirloom (not hybrid) rose that does well in a shady spot.

Heirloom Roses:
'Souvenir du Dr. Jamain' Plants
Flamingo Japanese Willow
Salix integra

Cultivar 'Flamingo' has pink blooms (mid-June) and is smaller habit (3-5' instead of 6-10+'). It appears to be fine with partial shade. Possible substitute for current location of Clethra alnifolia in shade garden, since Salix integra would not need as much water as Clethra does.

Other cultivars are also an idea.

Buds in spring; variegated foliage in late spring; pink blooms in mid-June; reddish stems; drops leaves late.

Sometimes sold as grafted to single rootstock for single-trunk-tree-like habit, but probably better to get a standard shrub habit.
'Flamingo' Plants
Scilla Species
Scilla siberica

any cultivar
Fall 2009 bulbs for spring blooming
Tuck in-between late-emerging plants
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Spigelia Species
Spigelia marilandica

Good for shady woodland planting, 12-24" high, late-summer blooming
Stachys densiflora
'Hummelo' Plants
Tradescantia Species
Tradescantia zebrina

For house plant.

Absolutely do NOT put this into the ground, because it is sturdy and invasive.
Plants, Cuttings
Species Tulip
Tulipa humilis

This is a species tulip, which means that they are shorter, naturalize well, and don't decline after the first bloom season.

There are a number of different species tulips:
T. praestans
T. turkestanica
T. humilis
T. tarpa
T. saxatilis
T. bakeri
T. marjoletti
'Eastern Star' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Tulipa linifolia

This is a species tulip, which means that they are shorter, naturalize well, and don't decline after the first bloom season.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Species Tulip
Tulipa praestans

This is a species tulip, which means that they are shorter, naturalize well, and don't decline after the first bloom season. There are at least a couple of other cultivars of Tulipa praestans.
'Fuselier' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Species Tulip
Tulipa saxatilis

This is a species tulip, which means that they are shorter, naturalize well, and don't decline after the first bloom season.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Species Tulip
Tulipa turkestanica

This is a species tulip, which means that they are shorter, naturalize well, and don't decline after the first bloom season.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs Image


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