Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items wanted by ericb

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
'green goliath' Seeds

'any intensely flavored, very small wild type like Alpine, etc.' Seeds
Hordeum Species
Hordeum vulgare

interested in malting barley adaptable to growing in Southeast

Ipomoea batatas
I'm especially interested in pale orange/yellow fleshed varieties. (Porto Rico is my favorite!) Varieties that have caught my eye include: 'violetta', 'Tennessee top mark', 'gem', 'jewel', 'laceleaf', 'allgold'. I think I would prefer to trade potatoes and grow my own slips, but slips would be fine, too.
'various' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
'green giant' Seeds
Panicum Species
Panicum miliaceum

interested in open-pollinated grain type
Cenchrus Species
Pennisetum glaucum

interested in open-pollinated grain type pearl millet adaptable to Southeast
Lima Bean
Phaseolus lunatus
'Baby Fordhook' Seeds


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