Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from ericb

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Bell Pepper
Capsicum annuum

very sweet, average shaped orange bell pepper
'orange sun' Seeds
Cucumis melo
'Edisto 47' Seeds
Helianthus annuus

open-pollinated oilseed type
'peredovik' Seeds
Hibiscus Species
Hibiscus sabdariffa

roselle, calyx used for cranberry substitute and bright red "tea"; leaves also edible

Ipomoea batatas
'Porto Rico', 'Norton', 'red Japanese', 'liberty', 'white triumph', 'Nancy Hall', 'ginseng', 'all blue' ...
'multiple varieties, see notes' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Malus domestica
'Brushy Mountain limbertwig', 'magnum bonum' (not a great keeper but probably the best aroma of any apple I've ever eaten), 'liberty', 'Arkansas black', 'Stayman', 'yellow transparent', 'red June' ...
'multiple varieties, see notes' Cuttings

Pyrus pyrifolia
'Shinko', 'Korean Giant' (aka 'Olympic'), and 'Shinseiki'
(also 'Moonglow' European pear)
'three varieties, see notes' Cuttings

Solanum melongena
open-pollinated variety that looks very similar to 'listada de gandia' except more club-shaped than egg-shaped; has performed better (esp. less cracking) than 'listada de gandia'; seed saved in 2009
'antigua' Seeds

Solanum melongena
seed saved in 2009
'casper' Seeds

Solanum melongena
seed saved in 2010
'Florida market' Seeds

Solanum melongena
seed saved in 2011
'ping tung long' Seeds

Vigna unguiculata
'pink eye purple hull' Seeds
Vigna unguiculata
'red ripper' Seeds

Vigna unguiculata
'strawberry crowder (a.k.a. calico crowder)' Seeds

Zea mays
Alexander Co., North Carolina heirloom dating to before 1900; white field corn that I use for cornmeal, grits, and animal feed; large ears, fairly tall stalks, reliable producer
'Floyd' Seeds
Zea mays

'Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavor' Seeds

Ziziphus jujuba
'li', 'lang', and 'sherwood'
'three varieties, see notes' Cuttings


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