Photo by Melody
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Trading Lists: Items wanted by cherokeeleprechaun

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

angle trumpet angel trumpet
looking for the seeds of the angle trumpet plants I have a young purple and a young white one. I am looking for other colors.

egg plant egg plant
looking for seeds of the egg plant

gourd large zucca
looking for seeds for the large zucca melon gourd have other general gourd seeds for trade or will purchase from you.

gourds kenyan drum gourd seed
looking for the kenyan drum gourd seed have some other typical gourd seeds can trade or will purchase seed from you.

gourds tarahumara canteen
looking for the seeds of the tarahumara canteen gourd. have the typical gourd seeds for exchange or will purchase the seed from you.

luffa operculata gourds small ball luffa gourd
looking for some germinating viable seed for the ball luffa. I have other gourd varites to trade in exchange or will purchase the seed from you.


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