Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from cherokeeleprechaun

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

gourd gourds
I have multiple gourd seeds to trade or sell of standar variety. These seeds are from last year's crop and are viable seed. The varieties include: cannon ball, maranka, basket ball, canteen, dipper (standard up to 2' long), lg. wine kettle, bottle, caveman, and spoon gourds. I also have a wild Texas version of the 2 to 3" round, thin shelled coyote gourd.

Large gourds I will sell for 10 seeds per pack for $1.00 per pack
Small gourd seeds (spoon and coyote) I will sell for 25 seeds per pack for $1.00
Extra large gourds ( wine kettle) seeds are 5 seeds per pack for $1.00 per pack

Will trade for ball luffa seeds, kenya drum gourd seeds, tarahumara canteen gourd seeds, large zucca melon seeds
Will trade for colored angle trumpet seeds
Will trade for egg plant seeds


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