Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from mariannebags

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Allium Species
Allium fistulosum

easy to grow spring onion, never makes bulbs
Allium Species
Allium tuberosum

growing quite happy and hard to kill, the flatter leaved chives
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Apium Species
apium graveolens var. dulce

a more wild type with tasty leaves but not going to give you the classic thick white stem. On the plus side, leaves great in soup and very easy to grow, self seeds easily

a salad green which has peppery leaves and black seeds
' Osaka Purple' Seeds
Coriandrum Species
Coriandrum sativum

this one came from a bought plant that self seeded, but its the only way to keep it here as they bolt to quickly
Cucurbita maxima

a big space plant
'Queensland Blue' Seeds Image

Cymbopogon spp
lemongrass; grown from clumps, likes full sun and water and its easy otherwise
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

dancus carota var sativus
easy to grow and save seed from, flowers are attractive to beneficial preditor insects
Eruca Species
Eruca sativa

rocket, fast growing salad green
Ipomoea Species
Ipomoea batatas

i have this in a small gap near the colourbond fence and its doing well; can't wait to harvest
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Lactuca sativa

i never can get nice tasty lettuce probably don't water enough, but i always have seed of something
Lycopersicon lycopersicum

several varieties including gross lisse
'Grosse Lisse' Seeds
Ocimum basilicum

easy to grow herb
'Basilico' Seeds
Papaver Species
papaver rhoeas

a pink flower
Dry Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris

easy to grow vegie used mainly for dried soup bean but can be used for green bean
'Borlotto Di Vigevano' Seeds
Pisum sativum

great winter vegie
'greenshaft' Seeds
Winter Radish
Raphanus sativus

china rose, easy to grow peppery radish
'china rose' Seeds
Syzygium australe

lilly pilly to us aussies, fruits in feburary and as it has green seeds they need to be really fresh
'Australis' Seeds

Vivia fava
red flowering, windsor green ; white flowering; a winter growing vegie when nothing else will grow, a legume
Sweet Corn
zea mays

grown here from one year without letting any other corn near it.If a corn is not hybrid is not a super sweet, but you will be able to save the seed from it
'hawaiian' Seeds


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