Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from Scribblez

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Basella rubra
Beta Vulgaris

I have no clue what kind of beets these are, I was told they are a dark red variety. I have not grown them as I don't like beets, they were given to me in a "starter pack" for new gardeners from a friend on another gardening forum.

Capsicum Anuum
Mixed colours in these seed packs, cat knocked them down while drying and it's impossible to tell them apart once the happens! Basic red yellow and green sweet peppers

A commercial mix of various perennials suitable for a desent-sized flower bed
'Perennials Mix' Seeds
Species Peony

Two different colours, I don't know which is which or remember what the colours were supposed to be. Ordered them online over the summer, never got planted. Willing to give some away in return for vegetable seeds.

Phaseolus Vulgaris
Came from a commercial pack, I cannot use all of them due to limited pace.
'Burpee's Stringless Green Pod' Seeds

Pisum Sativum
'Sugar Sprint Peas' Seeds

I don't even know the species of these, they were given to me by a friend and are various colours. I asked for rose seeds, friend's mom saved some for me! If you are up for a challenge, I'm willing to share a few as I have more than I need now!

zea mays
This seed is starting to get old, but I have checked to make sure it will still germinate. Want it to go to someone who has the space for corn, as I don't anymore.
'Early Bantam Golden' Seeds


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